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New issue for me with a CTD


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So: I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I'm sure it has. So Moderators please move this if need be.


Getting a CTD right after it shows "Fallout 4" Title screen. Attached Photo of when it happens. I've tried uninstallation of the entire folder that houses FO4. I've loaded from Steam. I've loaded with or without F4SE, loaded with or without mods. I have even tried the trick of deleting the 3 FO4 INI files, no change, still CTD. All mods show green in Wrye Bash. Cleaned UDRs ,ITMs. But I have noticed that the Game Folder for Strings is missing even after reinstallation of entire game installation. This has been going on for about 2 weeks now, I'm already losing hair and can't afford to rip out anymore over this problem/


I am sure this is most likely the reason, but don't know how to get that folder back. So maybe someone can help me figure out this particular poser, I'm stumped ATM. It's almost 8 A.M. here and past by bedtime for work this evening.



Bad Wolf


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I built this rig, so I better have admin rights...lol. But all joking aside, things that need to have admin rights have said rights. I am still thinking it has something to do with the missing Strings Folder that is supposed to be there. I have tried running the game from Steam, tried running it through F4SE, I have even tried doing my normal chain start, which is to have the Achievements mod enabled in NMM, then start F4SE through NMM with Steam icon showing in the lower right hand corner to "trick" Steam thinking that no mods are running.






So mysteriously the Strings folder is back in the Data Folder, so I thought WTH, try to run the game now......nope, still CTDs at the exact time that the number "4" finishes showing on the screen. There is something corrupted....it has to be. Well, might as well be a discount store and say "Everything Must Go!" and start all over again.


Here's to a day & 1/2 of setting everything back up with a clean everything, and I mean everything.

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Only time I have to try several times when starting the game and loading the latest save (choosing continue) is when upon exiting the game I choose the one-step Exit To Desktop. That save won't load on first or second try using F4SE but will load when using the game's regular launcher.


When choosing the two-step exit (first exit to main menu and from there to desktop) the exitsave will load flawlessly with both the F4SE and regular launcher.


Just putting this out there as it has probably nothing to do with your issue since I understand you're talking about starting a fresh game.

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Yeah, this is the first time I have every ran across a problem like this. I've had the standard Infinite Loading Screen, or CTD during a loading screen which usually means Load Order issue. But this one I have is a very new thing. No that I'm off work for the next couple of days, it will give me time to virgin install everything.

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