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Werewolf / Vampire problems.


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I'm having two problems regarding werewolf / vampire transformations. Basically, I started the companions quest line and became a lycan, finished the companions quest line and cured it right in the final mission (or was it the final mission? Anyway) and then became vampire. Shortly after I realized that vampires have a problem: they suck balls. So I tried out this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=504 (the version for vampires only)


Shortly after I realized something else: vampires still suck balls... oh and my health isn't recharging, like, at all. Not even indoors, at night etc... this is one of the problems, and it persists even after these:


So I decided to cure vampirism and go back to werewolf. I cured vampirism the legit way and became werewolf with cheats.


The 1st problem is the health not recharging, as mentioned above. I noticed that removing the werewolf abilities cause it to recharge again. I'm not sure if it's just a werewolf bug or caused by that mod I've been using (uninstalled it btw). Nothing else works, reset health cheat, shrines, etc...


The 2nd problem would be that although I have the werewolf abilities and beast blood, I don't think the game recognizes me as werewolf anymore (aka the guards don't complain about my ''wolfish grin'' anymore and such) is there a cheat for that?


The 1st issue isn't a big one, since I mostly rely on sneaky one shot bow kills or backstabs and rarely have to fight enemies hand to hand.


Any ideas?

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Do GetGlobalValue PlayerIsWerewolf in the console. If it returns zero, that's your problem. Otherwise it's probably because the quest for curing lycanthropy is finished. Setting it to an earlier quest stage might work. Werewolves normally don't regen up in combat, I imagine you gave yourself the WRONG werewolf abilities.


PS: Wrong sub forum.

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Sorry, just thought I'd put it here in case the mod was the problem.


Anyway global value returned 1.00. I don't think setting the quest to an earlier stage would be a good idea since I cured lycanthropy in the final Companions quest and not in the ''Purity'' quest (basically I'd have to re-do the last mission, which would be a problem since I killed all the companions minus Vignar... oopsie :P).


Anyway what do you mean by ''wrong'' werewolf abilities?

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