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Hesco blocks for settlement protection


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Would it be possible to add hesco blocks to the settlement build menu. They are such a simple idea, yet incrediblely effective.


I think they would be really easy for settlers in a post apocalyptic world to create. The only junk they'd need to make them with is cloth and steel.


It would be great if they snapped together, a bit like the foundation blocks so you can create walls with them. If this could be done for PS4, that would be awesome.


Apologies for those who already know what they are, but for those who dont, hesco blocks are large bags, a bit like what you get sand and gravel delivered in, made of canvas inside a collapsable wire frame. You then fill these bags with dirt and they basically act as a giant sandbag. You can place them in a line and stack them on top of each other to create a wall which offers excellent protection against ballistics and shrapnel from explosions because the dirt absorbs the energy.

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