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cant dismiss Fawkes or make him stay


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this is driving me nuts, im totally over Fawkes and want him gone, but when I dismiss him, he says hes disappointed blabla, but doesnt go!! Same thing if i just tell him to stay somewhere till im back, he just keeps following.


ive googled every pharse i can think of to find the issue mentioned and only found one that he wont leave if your Karmas too low *after* hes been recruited, but my Karmas still high. If its relevant ive got Broken steel installed. Its also not mentioned in the glitches section on his wikia page either


Besides disabling him in the console is there another command to reset his status as a companion?

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hey thanks, but you got that backwards, it said he wont leave if your karma gets too low, so lowering it would be the problem if it was a karma glitch


these are the reasons i dont like him around


- going thru doors or fast traveling, hes usually in my way

- runs out of ammo too often, left to his own devices usually ends up using a super sledge

- allways runs ahead with enemies around and blocks my view

- claims too many kills, leeching my xp

- makes stealth tactics unusable

- with the size of him, confined spaces feel claustrophobic

- and hes ugly :P !

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Interesting conundrum then, I obviously have never recruited him. I can see how his actions could be frustrating. If you don't want to disable him and if the auto-fire through DLC doesn't work you could try the prid + setscale command and turn him into a purse mutant! (Maybe I'll try that on one of my companions this time through, maybe turn Dogmeat into a yip-yip just for fun!)
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yea guess i could try turning him into a dwarf.


first ill just try the dlc trick, havent done any of them this time round


Edit: found a solution

using the the console, had to first kill him, then resurrect him, then tell him i wanted him gone

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