Gorkemq Posted March 13, 2017 Share Posted March 13, 2017 (Non-english user, might be mistakes) I tried "The Journey" (yeah i know it is illegal but continue to read) mod pack and loved it. Loved it because it runs so smooth(20-40fps). Before this mod pack i was managed to run 120~ mods(only downloaded and managed in NMM,no other means of editing/optimization/cleaning things used, beacuse of my laziness :D) in Vanilla game.But random ctd's on endgames, fps drops badgered me. I want to make stable, legal, backupable collection own my own like The Journey mod pack. I only used"install via nmm>try mod>successful run skyrim" or "install via nmm>try mod>ctd on menu>check esp/ctd in game>check compatibilities/no solve?> ok delete mod>cry" method :D My PC: 7200 RPM HDD,Intel i5-4690, 8 GB RAM, 2 GB Nvidia GTX 770 Vanilla -> 200+ FPS, Loading screens 3-10 seconds With these mods-> 30-55 FPS, sometimes drops to 10-25 randomly , Loading screens 5-20 seconds, huge fps drops and ctd on late/endgame.(1-5 fps on Whiterun Outskirt Markets, max 20 fps in Riften area) With no Tes5edit-ed/ModOrganized/cleaned etc. TOTAL 128 MODS= 1) Nothing-added-ingame Mods : "Unoffical Skyrim Patch" "ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer" "Racemenu" "No Posion Dialogues" "MoreHUD" "More Hotkeys" "A Matter of Time" "Dynamic Timescale" "Unread Books Glow" "kenmod Time on Loading Screen" "Shrine of Azura LOD Fix" "Project Optimization" ------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Mods that changes/fixes game's dynamic: "SPERG" "Follower Trap Safety" "Better Dialogue Controls" "Poison Overdose" "High Quality 3D Map" "better messagebox controls" "item recycling" "better runes" "Khaljit Merchants Buy Stolen Ä°tems" "Alchemy and Soul Gem Combiner" "Skyrim Enhanced Camera" "Dead Body COllission fix" "Immersive Speels and light Spells emit light" "Immersive detection of NPC" "Immersive Patrols" VANILLA "Immersive Player Dialohue" "People are Strangers" "Telekinesis can grab and throw" "Sounds Of Skyrim -> Civilization,Dungeons,Wilds" "Better Stronger and More Effective Deadly Posions" "Dynamic Potions posions" "humans drop human parts" "Static Mesh Improvement" "Skyrim Project Omptimization" "Craftable ARrows" "Improved Dragon Shouts" "Move it Dammit" "Run for Your Lives" "Trade and barter" "Helmet Toggle" "better animal footsteps" "Clanking Armor" "SkyTEST" "TK Hitstop" "Dungeon Treasue - dwemer and ancient nord coins" "Stones of Barenziah Quest Markes" "bigger trolls" "Bloody Facials" "Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed" "Auto Unequip Ammo" "Skyrim Bigger Trees" "No Snow Under the Roof" "Destruction Damage Enchantment" "Realistic Ragdolls and Force" "Torch of Everlasting with Dynamic" "Phenderix Magic Sounds" "Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim" "Tru Alteration Armor Visuals" "Perseids Inns and Taverns" "Enchanced Blood Textures" "Combat Drama Overhaul" "SkyFalls SkyMills" ** "Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious" "Glowing Ore" ------------------------------------------------------------- 3) New Things in Skyrim: "Armor Rating Ench." "Spell Sneak Attacks 2" "Sneak Tools" "Faster Mining" "Get more Ingots" "More Salt Please" "Dwemer Weight" "More Giant Toes" "Trolls Drop More Troll Fat" "Deadly Spell Impacts" "Falling Spells" "Summon Skeletal Horde" "Amazing Follower Tweaks" "Deadly Combat" "Dodge Mod" "Dual Wield Parrying" "Wet and Cold" "Realistic Need and Diseases" "Frostfall" "Campfire COmp Camping system" "drinking Fountains of Skyrim" "conveient Horses" * NODLC Version "Ultimate Dragons" 4) New Things in Skyrim with heavy textures : "Realistic Transparent Glass Armors Weapons v3" "Windcallers Pass" "Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower" "Covereyez" "Multi-Elemantal spells" "Cerwiden -smart healer" "The Rabbit Hole" "greybeards op armor" "More Bandit Camps" "Falskaar"** "Better Falaskaar and Wyrmstooth Map" "Training dummies falskaar" "Cloaks of Skyrim" "Winter is Coming - Cloaks" "Scvarves of Skyrim" + "New Scarves Of Skyrim"* "simple breezehome enchantment table" "birds of skyrim" * "skyBirds" * 5) Optimization: "Reduce Grass Density" "Remove Underwater Grass" 6) Absolutely FPS Killers: "The Skyrim Distance Overhaul" "Adventurers and Travelers" Light Version "OBIS" Light Version "Populated Cities" "Populated Skyrim Civil War"Light Version "7K Better Whiterun" "Etheral Elven overhaul" "Daedric Assasin Armor" "Climates of Tamriel" "Realistic Water Two" "Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two" "More Dramatic Alduin Retexture" "Skyrim 2K" "HDT Equipment Craftable Weapon Slink" "KS Hairdos" "Skyrim Hair Physics Project - Ponytail for HDT" "ApachiiSkyHair" "Brows" "Superior Lore-friendly hair tex."I want to these mods stable TOTAL 260 MODS= BugFix: "Safety Load" "SKSE -Elys- AltF4" "Unofficial Skyrim Patch" "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch" "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch" "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch" or "Unofficial Legendary Patch" <issues:Mods that need seperate patch esp's> "Unofficial Enhanced Lights" "ELFX SMIM ENB Performance Patch" "SkyRe Patchers for mods" Additions (Much reasons of ctd,wow!): "ApachiiSkyHair" "ApachiiSkyHair Natural Retexture" "Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim" "Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim SkyRe Patch" "Belko Follower" "Belko's House" "Black Horse Courier Reborn" "Winter Is Coming - Cloaks" "Cloaks of Skyrim" "Collect Water from Wells – RND Compatible" "Enhanced Skyrim: Bee Farm" "Eli’s Shack" "Forgotten Magic Redone" "Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival" "Immersive Patrols – No Battles" "INIGO" "Lost Grimoire of Skyrim" (some spells) "Markarth Reach Environment Upgrade - ModCompatible" "Moonpath to Elsweyr" "OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim" "Ogmunds Tomb" "Places: Amber Guard" "Places: Granitehall" "Potion Combiner" "Prince and The Pauper " "Quest: And The Realms of Daedra" "Quest: No Mercy" "Quest: Sea of Ghosts" "Quest: Sorcery" "Quest: The Bigger They Are" "Quest Rewards" "Volundr" "Warmonger Armory" "Wearable Lanterns" "Wet and Cold " "Wet and Cold - Ashes" "Wyrmstooth" (must find) "Faction: Pit Fighter" "Faction: Pit Fighter Travels Add-On" "Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 (AOS2)" "Destruction Damage Enchantment" "Armor Rating Ench." "Sneak Tools" "Summon Skeletal Horde" "drinking Fountains of Skyrim" "Windcallers Pass" "Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower" "Multi-Elemantal spells" "Cerwiden -smart healer" "The Rabbit Hole" "More Bandit Camps" "Training dummies falskaar" "Scvarves of Skyrim" "New Scarves Of Skyrim" "Populated Cities" "Populated Skyrim Civil War" "Daedric Assasin Armor" "Fishing In Skyrim" "Undeath" "Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion" (reasons of low fps) Textures/ENB/Light: "AmidianBorn Book of Silence" "Animated Weapon Enchants" "Ash Rocks -- Solstheim ash improvements for Dragonborn DLC" "Beards" "Better Dynamic Snow veya Real Snow" "Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles" "Better Skill and Quest Books Names" "Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack" "Bijin Warmaidens" "Bijin Wives" "Blacksmithforge water fix" "Book Covers Skyrim" "Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library" "Consistent Older People" "Coverkhajiits" "Crafting 300 – Armoury of Tamriel (weapons only)" "Cutting Room Floor" "Enhanced Blood Textures" "Footprints" "Immersive Armors" "Immersive Soulgems" "Immersive Spells and Light - Spells emit light" "Immersive Weapons" "Improved closefaced helmets" "Males of Skyrim" "Moonlight Tales – Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul" "No More Glowing Edges Mod" "Revamped Exterior Fog" "RS Children Overhaul" "Ruins Clutter Improved" "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" "Skyrim HD - 2K Textures" "The Eyes Of Beauty" "The Real Warmaidens" "WEBS extended" "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade" "Pure Waters" or "Realistic Water 2" "Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM" "Hoddminir Flowers" "Hoddminir Plants and Trees" "WATERplants - retexture by Pfuscher" "True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone" "Ultimate HD Fire Effects" "Unique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement" "Unique Uniques" "Better Falaskaar and Wyrmstooth Map" "Covereyez" "Realistic Transparent Glass Armors Weapons v3" "Bloody Facials" "RUGNAROK" "Tranquility ENB _ ExtendedFX" "Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE)" "Enhanced Lights and FX" Replacers: "Altars and Amulets Redone" "Alternate Start – Live Another Life" "Animallica - Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul" "Appropriately Attired Housecarls" "Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled" "Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking" "Better Stronger and More Effective - Deadly Poisons" "Breezehome TNF - Elianora's Flavour" "Clothing and Clutter Fixes" "Common Clothes" "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade" "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade SkyRe Patch" "Convenient Horses" "Cooking Expanded" "Dawn of Solitude" "Deadly Combat" "Deadly Dragons" "Disable Basic Health Regeneration" "Dogs of Skyrim" "Dogs of Skyrim - Remove Good Dog Dialogue" "Dont Steal My Crops" "Xtended Loot (replace of dynamic loot)" "Expanded Towns and Cities" "Winterhold - Expanded Ruins" "Height Adjusted Races with True Giants" "Heljarchen Farm" "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim" "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition" "Hilltop House" "Hold Border Banners" "Hunter's Cabin of Riverwood" "Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild" (or "Hunterborn") "High Level Enemies" "Immersive Animations" "Immersive College of Winterhold" "Immersive Dawnguard Dayspring Pass" "Immersive Sounds - Compendium" "JK's Solditude-Whiterun-Windhelm" or "7K's ...." "Konahriks Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory" "Lightning during Thunder Storms" "Higher Bounties for Crimes" "Piratelords Loot Adjustments" "Reapers Witchwood Forest and Cabin" "SkyFalls and SkyMills" "The Skyrim Distance Overhaul LOD Improvement" "SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators" "Solstheim Dungeon Pack " "Solstheim Extended - Tel Mithryn" "Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix" "Solstheim - The Lost Levels " "The Scottish Bannered Mare" "The Wheels of Lull" "Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps" "Travellers of Skyrim + Dragonborn add-on" "TreesHD_Skyrim" "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins" Dynamics: "Skyrim - Enhanced Camera" "T3nd0s Skyrim Redone" "Tougher Traps" "Trade and Barter" "XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS" "Skyrim Immersive Creatures" "SkyTweak" "Realistic Boat Bobbing" "Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed" "Realistic Needs and Diseases " "Realistic Ragdolls and Force" "Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced" "No NPC Greetings" "Revenge Of the Enemies 2016" "More Believable Carrying Weight" "More Interesting Loot for Skyrim" "Move it Dammit for NPC Companions and Followers" "Disable Combat Boundary" "No Fishing" "No Poison Dialogues" "No Psychic Lock Knowledge" "No snow under the roof " "No Spinning Death Animation" "NPCs And Horses_ more NPCs riding horses" "NPC Smarter Water AI - Full Compatibility" "Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover" "Improved sneak detection" "Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal" "Inconsequential NPCs" "Additional Vanilla NPC Follower Voice Types" "Animated clutter" "Alchemy and Food Balanced Overhaul" "Auto Unequip Ammo" "Better Vampires" "Crafting Linen Wraps" "Dual Sheath Redux" "Expensive Investments" "Expensive Training" "Extensible Follower Framework" "Extended Encounters" (find or replace other mod) "Extra Encounters - Dragonborn" "Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO" "Follower Trap Safety" "Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice" "Guard Dialogue Overhaul" "Guard Torch Remover - Reduced Light Flickering" "Helmet Toggle – Show Hide" "Immersive HUD - iHUD" "Interesting NPCs" "Living Takes Time" "Lock Overhaul" "Radiance" "Dynamic Timescale" "Poison Overdose" "item recycling" "better runes" "Khaljit Merchants Buy Stolen Ä°tems" "People are Strangers" "Telekinesis can grab and throw" "humans drop human parts" "Clanking Armor" "Dungeon Treasue - dwemer and ancient nord coins" "bigger trolls" "Glowing Ore" "Get more Ingots" "More Salt Please" "Amazing Follower Tweaks" "Dodge Mod" "Dual Wield Parrying" "Stranger Danger - Children can be pick-pocketed or killed" "RaceMenu" "SkyUI" "Better Dialogue Controls" "Immersive Player Dialogue" "Combat Drama Overhaul" "Dragon Soul Absorb More Glorious" "Spell Sneak Attacks 2" Ultimate Dragons" "When Vampires Attack" "Bounty Gold" "MORE Additional Player Voices for Skyrim"I heard "merge" processing -kind of optimization- like this 1.Merging almost-zero-scripted things MERGED_Little_tweaks.esp= "Bounty Gold" "Better Dialogue Controls" "Get more Ingots" "bigger trolls" "Khaljit Merchants Buy Stolen Ä°tems" "People are Strangers" "Telekinesis can grab and throw" "humans drop human parts" "Helmet Toggle – Show Hide" "Expensive Investments" "Expensive Training" "No Fishing" "No Poison Dialogues" "No Psychic Lock Knowledge" "No NPC Greetings" 2.Merged mod and its compatibilitypatch MERGED_Apocalypse_and_Skyrepatch.esp= "Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim" "Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim SkyRe Patch" MERGED_CCO_and_Skyrepatch.esp= "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade" "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade SkyRe Patch" 2.Merged mod's additional things MERGED_Belko.esp= "Belko Follower" "Belko's House" MERGED_Cloaks_and_Scarves.esp= "Winter Is Coming - Cloaks" "Cloaks of Skyrim" "Scvarves of Skyrim" "New Scarves Of Skyrim" MERGED_Racemenu_things.esp= "ApachiiSkyHair" "ApachiiSkyHair Natural Retexture" "Beards" "Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles" "The Eyes Of Beauty" "Covereyez" 3.Merged same light things MERGED_Light_combat_mods.esp= "Dodge Mod" "Dual Wield Parrying" "Poison Overdose" etc...With merging, only 235 esp's loaded. So, what should i do? What tools should be used? For graphics, this might be useful : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/?This link is enough? -> https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2555p9/has_anyone_ever_had_a_full_stable_modded_play/chenzyo/ beacuse of my laziness :D This time i want to use every tool for optimization/tweak, i am ready to spend 200+ hours to be able to this (lncluding mod organizer's,cleaner's etc. learning curve.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jannifer Posted March 13, 2017 Share Posted March 13, 2017 Okay, first of all, don't even try to install all those mods at once. You will having nothing but trouble. If you have all the DLC, then you need to be using the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. The Precache Killer is no longer necessary, as it is now part of SKSE. My best suggestion is to read, read, read. Read all mod descriptions very carefully. Take notes on things like conflicts and load order suggestions. Make sure that you download any required files at the same time as you download the mod which needs them. Also, install mods slowly -- for big mods like overhauls, install them one at a time and test thoroughly. If they're smaller mods, like armors or small clothing mods, you can try those 2 or 3 at a time. Make a couple of characters that you use only for testing your mods. You are going to spend a lot of time fiddling around with load orders and such, so it pays to make characters you aren't going to get attached to. Take careful stock of your hardware -- graphics card, cpu and disk space. If you want a reasonably stable framerate, then you need to keep any potential limitations in mind. So, hold off on mods which up the graphics requirements or the demands on your memory and CPU for the last. Make sure that you use hard saves -- those made from the ingame menu -- rather than quick or auto saves. Quick and auto saves can lead to save corruption because they don't pause any running scripts. Make multiple saves -- don't just keep over-writing the same save. Do this for every character you create. I always have at least 6 saves for any given character. You can use the ingame console to name your saves whatever you'd like using the Save "Whatever Name You Want" command. Finally, the Skyrim engine has a hard-coded limit of 255 plugins, including the game masters. If you get anywhere close to 200 mods with a stable game, consider yourself fortunate. Good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISOWarrior Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 I haven't used most of these, but on my old laptop( and by old I mean it's over 7 years old) my mod installation used to have over 300 mods and was still running at a stable 20 FPS( I don't know which FPS do you want though, but back when I played on my old laptop, I was glad it had even this FPS). How did I bypass the mod limit, you're going to ask. My answer is plugin merging. There is a program called Merge Plugins, you can find it here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/? ( sorry, writing from a tablet, can't make a clickable link). It makes plugin merging a relatively user-friendly procedure, and it also has integration options for NMM and MO( I haven't tried them though - only started using NMM after I lost my old mod installation, and I haven't merged ever since), it also automatically detects conflicts in files being merged and allows you to choose which file should overwrite he conflicting section. Merging plugins can make a huge difference if your system is not very strong( at least it made a difference for me back when I used to play on my old laptop). Another thing I would recommend are several memory allocation tweaks for SKSE. First, try downloading the Safety Load Plugin, it really helps with infinite loading screens. Second, try configuring your SKSE memory allocation as described here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1453010-regarding-skse-and-the-512mb-patch/ It really helped me reduce CTDs in my mod-heavy installation. I do agree with the previous poster on reading the mod descriptions though. Usually the descriptions list known compatibilities/ inompatibilities, as well as other useful information, so it's worth reading before actuallydoing anything. Another tool to avoid incompatibilities is LOOT. It sorts your load order and sometimes identifies incompatibilities. Also, learning to clean files with TES5Edit can prove very useful. Be careful though, you might clean something that doesn't need cleaning. If you have any questions concerning cleaning a particular mod, I'd suggest you try to contact the mod author on the matter. As for the graphics modifications, these are usually very demanding, especially the ENBs. Here you should mostly expereiment with different installations and see for yourself which graphics mods give you the look you like most while still retaining the FPS you can tolerate. Installing various versions of DirectX( if you haven't already) helps if you have unexplained FPS problems though. If you like a particular texture, you can try to optimize it or compress it, but I am no expert in that subject. Just try various things and see how your laptop is going. Ultimately though, I can't predict how certain mods will behave in combination with others, my current installation isn't this big( although I am working on it), I'm just telling you what I used to do to make my mod heavy Skyrim runnable on my old 3GB RAM laptop. I didn't use that many graphics mods, but my specs were also much lower. My new laptop is has better specs than your rig in some regards, but I still face problems there and there from time to time( because Skyrim still stays a horribly optimized game, regardless of the system you run it on), but now they are much rarer and not as serious. I wish you luck with building your mod installation though, just so you know, it is possible to run 200+ mods without getting a CTD every 5 minutes. But just in case, don't forget to save manually( not quicksaving), and save into a separate slot every time, don't overwrite your previous saves! If anything goes south, at least you'll have various points to return to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maredark3d Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 (edited) Hehe I understand you!, Mods are life... :laugh: believe me I have +250 mods and no problems, I get some crashes due my video card limitations you know when too much units, NPCs or magic are all at the same time, but despite that the game works great,it can be done, dont listen those skeptics would tell you is nonsense because they dont even try to do it... You will have to deal a lot with trial and error but you will learn along the way, I'm still learning and still tweaking my Skyrim game and It have passed years... hehe If you said you want to have +250 mods running on Skyrim I guess you have a full external disk full with mods maybe... well I have that, so If you are a mod lover as I, I suggest the following:1.- Try to focus on your gameplay and create mod profiles on Nexus Mod Manager to manage them, I know could be hard at first, you could think all mod are indispensable, but better start thinking what kind of experience you want to have playing Skyrim.2.- Create "Character Mod Profiles" according to your character gameplay and/or build you play, for example I have three type of characters what are really specific, an Imperial Merchant - Necromancer, so I use on that "Character mod profile" just Economy. Speech and Merchant roleplay mods, Dark Magic spell mods, perks, undead related mods. 3.- Figure it out what mods are essential to you, I love fight and battles I can't play Skyrim without fight and battle mods, specially when are out there waiting to be downloaded and installed, I don't took much attention to graphic mods because I know my limited video card can't handle such privilege, also I think some essential mods for my gameplay are UI interfaces and Sound mods, those mods aren't too much so then I can give free space to install "Character profile mods". 4.- Tweak your game the most you can in all ways possibles but in a logical and practical way, try to not fail into "placebo tweaks", tweak your ini files on documents folder, and also tweak your game folder where .exe files are, use ENBoost: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38649? , doesnt need you use an ENB also works without it, but are needed ENB files to make this work, the detailed description of to do it its on nexus tool site, using ENBoost is incredible makes Skyrim use the resources are missed to use without it, in other words, ENBoost makes use of all your PC resources more efficient, also tweak the enblocal.ini file to your own preferences and PC specs. 5.- I really suggest you the following tool, LOOT: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918/? , Load order optimization, just not do what the name of the tool says, but also do an analysis of the mods and will say you If are ok or not, If they need to be cleaned with TES5 Edit tool or not and such thingsdo an analysis of your installed mods, showing If have errors, If need to be cleaned with TES5 Edit and such things. 6.- Be aware of mod conflicts, sometimes is better to "sacrifice" a mod to the better of the game in terms of stability. 7.- Also be aware vanilla Skyrim have his own glitches and bugs, sometimes isn't just your fault or the mod fault, its just Skyrim isn't perfect. 8.- You will always be learning If you really love mods, I'm still learning, even I have learned how mod works and now I'm a modder, I have a couple of mod on my Nexus profile, also I'm very fan of Elder Scrolls, If you have Steam I invite you to add me, my nickname is Medieval3D http://steamcommunity.com/id/medieval3d/ , also I'm part of Tamrielvault a really cool site related to TES fans http://tamrielvault.com/profile/Medieval , even I'm working on a huge project about write a series of fan made books related to TES also mods related to that story, oh by the way on Tamrielvault site you will find a ton of screenshots and fanart I have took since 2013, I just can't not allows me to not take screenshots, I 'm gamer photograph alsoSo that's it I wish I could say you I'm a veteran modder, but I'm just same as you, I started learning by my self and I'm still learning, If you are ambitious and have projects or just you are ambitious and want to play with all the mods you wish all can be possible the only thing needed is learn techniques about how all works and have a strong willI hope this commentary help you and others who pass by here to see this post :thumbsup: :teehee: :thumbsup: :dance: Happy Modding!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: Edited March 14, 2017 by maredark3d Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gorkemq Posted March 14, 2017 Author Share Posted March 14, 2017 Thanks for all posts! I noted them. Figure it out what mods are essential to you Hardcore, survivalism, realism roleplay is my priority. 2.- Create "Character Mod Profiles" according to your character gameplay and/or build you play, for example I have three type of characters what are really specific, an Imperial Merchant - Necromancer, so I use on that "Character mod profile" just Economy. Speech and Merchant roleplay mods, Dark Magic spell mods, perks, undead related mods.You said "create modpack for character and change profile to another modpack and character". Or i got it wrong? Actually, i want every build combination in the future. Atro-/Necro-/Pyro-/Cyro-/Aero-/Electro-/Herbo-mancer, One-Handed/Two-Handed/Dual-Wield/Fists ... :D so modpack must be very flexible and doesn't need to add new mods in the future.(For example i play Cyro-necromancer build from SkyRe but installed "Hunting in Skyrim" which includes Hunter's Guild. I pass it and continue my roleplaying. But when i bored mage things, i create sneaky archer and join the guild.So i don't add to extra mod for roleplay next time.) I don't want to modding for just one type of role playing. <ONE MODPACK TO RULE ROLE THEM ALL :D> One more thing: For example I want to mix two spell packages Apocalypse of Skyrim and Midas Magic. But with two packages, some spells might be overpowered, same function with other mod and not lore friendly so i think i need delete from packages.Or conflicts: I want "Camping in Skyrim"s leather/fur tents instead of Frostfall's tents. But there is a conflict that adds same thing.I want to delete Frosfall's.What do i need? Do i need permission from mod author for modifying mod? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Algabar Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 One more thing: For example I want to mix two spell packages Apocalypse of Skyrim and Midas Magic. But with two packages, some spells might be overpowered, same function with other mod and not lore friendly so i think i need delete from packages.Or conflicts: I want "Camping in Skyrim"s leather/fur tents instead of Frostfall's tents. But there is a conflict that adds same thing.I want to delete Frosfall's.What do i need? Do i need permission from mod author for modifying mod? Last question first: If it's only for personal use, you can download a mod and modify it, however you like. You are however NOT allowed to upload or share other people's work or parts of it without explicit (which normally means: written) permission of the mod's author. So, do whatever you like, but keep the result on your computer only. As for magic mods: It is possible, to take away that spell from this mod and that spell from that mod. Practically, it requires a lot of work and some knowledge of TES5Edit and/or the Creation Kit. This is definitely advanced stuff. I never played with Midas, but "Apocalypse" is one of my "must have" mods. It isn't overpowered by itself. From its structure, I doubt, that it will be OP in combination with another mod, either. Different mods, different approaches to magic. Besides that, if you feel that a certain combo is "OP", you're free to simply not use it. I'd go this route before investing hours and hours of fiddling around with mods. Same goes for the tents: What you want is possible with the Creation Kit, but it requires a lot of know-how and time. Your goal is already high, even without changing mods yourself. Keep it simple - at least until you got a stable "basic loadorder" up and running. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maredark3d Posted March 14, 2017 Share Posted March 14, 2017 Thanks for all posts! I noted them. Figure it out what mods are essential to you Hardcore, survivalism, realism roleplay is my priority. 2.- Create "Character Mod Profiles" according to your character gameplay and/or build you play, for example I have three type of characters what are really specific, an Imperial Merchant - Necromancer, so I use on that "Character mod profile" just Economy. Speech and Merchant roleplay mods, Dark Magic spell mods, perks, undead related mods.You said "create modpack for character and change profile to another modpack and character". Or i got it wrong? Actually, i want every build combination in the future. Atro-/Necro-/Pyro-/Cyro-/Aero-/Electro-/Herbo-mancer, One-Handed/Two-Handed/Dual-Wield/Fists ... :D so modpack must be very flexible and doesn't need to add new mods in the future.(For example i play Cyro-necromancer build from SkyRe but installed "Hunting in Skyrim" which includes Hunter's Guild. I pass it and continue my roleplaying. But when i bored mage things, i create sneaky archer and join the guild.So i don't add to extra mod for roleplay next time.) I don't want to modding for just one type of role playing. <ONE MODPACK TO RULE ROLE THEM ALL :D> One more thing: For example I want to mix two spell packages Apocalypse of Skyrim and Midas Magic. But with two packages, some spells might be overpowered, same function with other mod and not lore friendly so i think i need delete from packages.Or conflicts: I want "Camping in Skyrim"s leather/fur tents instead of Frostfall's tents. But there is a conflict that adds same thing.I want to delete Frosfall's.What do i need? Do i need permission from mod author for modifying mod? 1. "You said "create modpack for character and change profile to another modpack and character"", Yes and also create really Character mod profiles using Nexus Mod Manager, you can create mod profiles easily with NMM, then you just change between mod profiles and you will get just activated and installed the mods of for example Profile 1, then you can change easily to Profile 2 If you wish and so on. 2. About "One more thing" I suggest read the mods description in detail, figure it out If the mods have compatibility issues written on the mod page, If doesn't say anything you could just try it, or even If say Incompatible, sometimes refer the (two or more) mods will not work properly as intended for, in all cases the last mod on load order overwrite similar references of the mod what is up, for example If you want Apocalypse and Midas Magic and one of those have same references. on your load order would be the following:1.- Apocalypse Mod2.- Midas Magic That means Midas Magic will overwrite any reference Apocalypse mod have, for example If Apocalypse Mod have same reference about a spell book value (septims, gold), and also Midas mod have same references, and If Apocalypse mod value of a specific spell book is 300 for example and Midas is 400, You will get on the game the value of Midas mod instead and sometimes the value you will get on game is an average value means would be (300+400)/2= 350. also you can change values an references of mods using TES5 Edit tool but that is a bit more tedious and also more complicated but you would do it in a detailed way just seeing all you want, but seriously doing that using TES5 Edit is a huge stuff You can just make a merge patch, try to merge both mods or just use a simple batch patch using Wrye bash, oh other thing I dont recommend merging complex elaborated mods (having both mods .esp files on a single .esp file), but instead try do a merge patch 3. About Or conflicts: You can modify all the mods on your own PC If you wish, but If you want to upload and share your modified mod of other authors you must ask for permission contacting with mod authors, sending to them a Request mail, because If you publish or share content isn't yours without having permission of mod authors and specially here on Nexus, you could be on serious problems and can be banned from Nexus site affecting your account (I'm not sure If your ip dress), also If you see some mod the author already says the mod is open to use it in anyway possible as using the mod to create your own mod, you can share the mod you create using the mod of the author you used. If you have more questions feel free to ask :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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