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Weapons and Armors Load order


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If you use a body-mod, then after them.
If you use replacer-mods for weapon/armor make sure they dont use the same asset to replace.
Otherwise only the last in your load-order which replace the asset is able to see.

Apart from that it doesnt matter.

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no explanation, just to make sure they works well.
A lot of people installed mods in crazy amounts and load orders and then wondering why things go wrong.

Ok, armor/weapon-mods are mostly not knowing for ctd's or similar, but its not wrong to put them always after a installed body-mod.

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Sorry but that it's nonsense. Body mods like CBBE or UNP doesn't even come with a plugin so it's absolutely irrelevant if you install an armor or weapon mod before or after a body mod!


Just don't spread false informations. We have enough of these already here.

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For weapons and armor that have a esp, I use common sense in regard to Installation Order, if they affect vanilla items or each other, (I consider this way more important than Load Order.) About Loader Order: weirdly the higher (closer to Skyrim) the less important you are, so I keep Armors High, while keeping Massive Mod that make Humongous Changes visibly Low, closer to bottom ~ more important the esp is.


I don't place a lot of importance on Armor, Weapons, Body, nor Follower Mod, unless Scripted or Quest Driven, then I re-valuate. I mod using the motto, you need to fluid like water, not thick has a brick.


Use LOOT if your unsure, it will do a rough enough is good enough, while protecting the integrity of your save, by not drastically changing the Order Loader.


Feel free to swap around esp free replacers, any time at all, so that they override accordingly, or how you see fit.


Remember the only safe to uninstall a Mod is to Restore the Game to it's State that it was, before installing said Mod. Then load a save with no history of said Mod, & then continue playing repeating your Quests Lines all over again, (DEAL) or reap what you sow.

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