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How Does BodySlide Work?


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Question 1) Why are there so many body presets? I understand people have different tastes. But it is a pain trying to convert clothing and armor. Is it not? do the morph sliders in game even work?


Question 2) When you have items made for one preset only how do you convert those for use with another?


Question 3) Why do mod authors vary so much with how they make items? Isn't it standard practice to use a certain item slot for specific type of clothing of armor? Like item slot 48 for a top leaving the body slot open for shoes?


Question 4) How exactly does BodySlide process a particular outfit with a preset?


Question 5) Can all outfits and presets be edited successfully? Like when I tried editing some pcs from the EasyGirl mod and saved- nothing changed in game.


Question 6) What are the limitations of a tool like this? I mean it is great. But surely some people have had problems with it. What tool or tools compliment BodySlide best?


Sorry if these are very old questions. But the info I have found is not very in-depth. Just knowing how to move a few sliders is a waste of this tools potential for any would-be mod author and I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark while trying to learn (Ooh- look at those! Lets press buttons and see what happens!). Whether you would like to help or just point and laugh- feel free to comment. Thank you. :tongue:

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1) the great thing about bodyslide is you make one file that fits to zeroed out cbbe sliders then you just pick the preset and it morphs to it.


2) select the different preset and do the same thing as the first time around


3) some pieces could be seen as both using the same slot but the intention is for them to be used together, just one example of change being needed theres certainly some silly slot usage every now and then though


5) yes, is it possible you didnt replace the nif with the new version/built after creating the project?


6) not much really, and theres stuff like 3d modeling software but bodyslide is everything you need unless youre creating the mod yourself, not just fixing up an outfit.

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Hmm. Thanks for the reply. One more question if you please. I've noticed some clothes/armor need a reference body to be visible while others seemingly do not. Sometimes I put on clothing and have an invisible body- other times I have 2 bodies showing at once. WTH is going on? I mean how does a reference body work for each piece and why do some seem to work without a reference included with the nif.? :huh:

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