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Sanity Clause


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People living in parentheseseses. People talking to other people who live in parentheseseses. People convinced that people living in parentheseseseses are talking back to them. People waving guns around. People fixated on socks. The only meal on the menu is Fishy Sticks, even though they are delicious fishy sticks. People worshipping Gods whose names no one can spell, let alone pronounce . Threats of dire smiting from these unpronounceable, unspellable Gods....


These are only a few examples of the madness which lurks beneath the surface of the Nexus. Any Newbie who introduces him/her self tends to unlock all of the above, and more, so much more. But the madess can break out in any thread, and at any time.


The Management of this Site have maintained a laissez faire ( that's French for 'Leave It Alone, Ninja!') attitude for too long. They don't seem to realize the danger that we who travel in the good ship Nexus are in. This shall not endure! This isn't Nam , Donny! There are Rules!


It is time that we, the denizens of the Nexus, spoke up. It is time to promote The Sanity Clause! Before it is too late!


Have your say here! 'They' will try to stop you. Be not afraid! Give your own evidence of the MADNESS which threatens to overwhelm us.


If enough of us speak up, 'They' WILL NOT SILENCE US!


COURAGE! ( sounds better in a French accent ).



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Hmmm, yeah... all these FREAKS running around here. Keep the ninja wizard away from me too. I don't even know how you that's possible, but the last person I need to piss off is Mr. Gandalf-with-a-shuriken.


(yeah right! crazies dominate you norms through sheer number... real or imaginary!)


Well this can't be good for my anti-freak position. I'm arguing with myself.


(i'm not you! for one, i'm a woman!)


Yeah... :dry: That's not helping me at all.


People worshipping Gods whose names no one can spell, let alone pronounce . Threats of dire smiting from these unpronounceable, unspellable Gods....


Unspellable gods... you don't mean Cthu.. Cthlu... Cht... Squiddy? And Yog-sohot or whatever? Psh. Smite me? Hardly. I'm straight up gangster, C-money. :thumbsup:


(i love it when you're all gangster! <3)


Wow, that's disturbing.

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Let's face it: It's the crazy people that make life fun.


And Kenpachi Zaraki, a man who could kick the ass of anyone weaker than Cthulhu (thank you, ninja, for teaching me to spell that correctly) or Chuck Norris, might say:


"Sanity? I've never had any need for it!"

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I have to agree that sanity is important to the world. The Western societies are bound to worship the sane and normal like George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Ernie Threeple from 2, Little Gittings Road Crouch End (next door to Mrs Winifred Hoist) and David Beckham.


That's why they reward them with enough to live on. It is why society gets very upset if they do insane things like - get drunk, occasionally break the speed limit or go to sleep in meetings, which we know to be the height of insane behaviour. Things WE would never do.


Modern society however is helping the madmen. It is! Oh yes.


They invent devices so that all those who go around talking to themselves can pretend they are whispering into some 'device' or other. They will soon permit cloning so then I will be able to say that the person you thought was me swapping 'do not disturb' signs on hotel room doors to 'make up the room now' was quite obviously my clone. And so on and so forth.


The only problem with being sane, and of course I have my own case to use as the standard here, is that whilst by changing one letter at a time you might get from sane to dull in six goes, in reality sane and dull are synonyms. Believe me, I am so, so dull I can't even see my face as a reflection. I swallow polish but I still don't shine.


Can't anyone help me get rid of the curse of sanity???


Am I alone???


No - you don't want sanity or you'd all end up like me. A nervous wreck, shivering and quivering every time someone threatens to take the alcohol away.


So no sanity clauses. Besides, the only time we want to see any Clauses is at Christmas.

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If the world were made of marshmallow peeps, I'd like to sail through the dirt of grandeur. I'd fly high, ever so high, until I could touch other people's toes. Then, I'd giff and I'd geff all the way to panda's house. Tobogganing the cream filled huusayers is a nhilerating possibility. If the Gargatrons and Beaufitrons could only tiider, I'd have qwerty amounts of bahats. The Viiliifiiciitiins brundash tericisiply at the Kajoltar while Bupopas harshrash most rilfichly. Popinanny then berghatored the Viiliifiiciitiins with a brax and yuifiled the Bupopas. Crety, the Kajoltar zeeribeshed the Popinanny. This muutitated the Gargatrons who liiraked away. Alone, the Beautifitrons grached the Yarbegs who virteficted and holpotated. I juxtabershed kuratent bahats. :(
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Ahhh! The pain and despair! I feel it right here in my heart! The cries of the afflicted! Only 5 posters, and already the crisis that confronts this site is laid bare for all to see!


InSanity is this season's black! The world, out there, somewhere, has become so frightening, so depressing, so full of terrors of the night and lunch time, so fraught with uncertainty, so redolent of/with how to bow/ curtsey to the Queen ( Gord Bless 'Er Maj ), so out of sinc with all that is worldsome, so asymetrical, so concerned with avoiding the real issues that confront us every micro-milli-second of every milli-second of every second of every minute of every half hour of every tea break of every day of every month of every year - jelly filled, or plain; coffee or tea or milk; speak or dont speak; doesn't his arse look big in that; not that I look at gent's arses; not that there is anything wrong with looking...if one is so inclined- so ...uh...,...,..., ah..., ...,...,that...,...,..., will be the end of us!


My sorely afflicted brethren and sister...en!:


The T_... so giving, so generous, ..., so Welsh! So you have issues with sanity! So what! Your sticks are the fish de la fish! But you can be so much more than that! Why, your recent foray into the wilds and the terriffic bargain you got on that condemned house bespeaks a career in , if not orienteering, then estate management, at least! BTW, Steppen Lemming has yet to hear from you and he keeps hasseling me about it! Sort it out will you! Just embrace the Sanity Clause!


doom,doom, doom... We all had such high hopes for you! Such a brilliant beginning! Such a tragedy to see the descent, the inevitable descent into arguing with the very denizen of the parentheseseseses of which I spoke earlier! But which denizen?! Bob?! Or your own conjured demon?! Reach out, doom..., reach out and let the Sanity Clause come to your aid!


Marcus... the man who loves wolves! Have you learned nothing from your hircine friends?! They know the absolute necessity of the primacy of the Sanity Clause! And yet you spurn their wisdom! Go with the wolves, my mad friend, run, run like the wind! To the song of the Sanity Clause!


Malchik, Malchik, Malchik...,...,..., Malchik! My aunty Gladys knows Wini Hoist! What a small rapidly descending into madness world it is ! And she wont have Ernie in the house because of the... you know... with the...and his trousers! Malchik! How can you, a Moderator, spread your foul delusions to these callow youth! The Sanity Clause is for Life, not just for Christmas!


Ninja... oh Ninja! Spell-Meister! I fear there is no help for you! Even the Sanity Clause will be of no avail in your case, which has surely reached it's terminal velocity at the speed of bonker. Everyone, everyone Ninja, knows that Gargatrons and Beaufitrons not only CAN tiider, but do it all the time, to the constant annoyance of the Bupopas! Alak and alas and ... heynon... and ...no!


Just wrap thyselves in the comfort of the Sanity Clause, my bespokenings! All will be well in the wellest of all well...ible worlds! ( hoik!...ptui ) NOW, YOU CLEAN THAT UP!

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Dude, everybody knows wolves aren't fully sane.


They take on animals several times their size on a regular basis.


They also enjoy killing. Alot. They'd have to, or they'd go truly insane after killing so many animals. The only thing that prevents them from being evil is the fact that they never kill for fun alone.

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Far be it to dispute anything 'wolf' with you, Marcus. I'd have to be MAD! And as an/the advocate of the Sanity Clause, that just isn't in my job description. ...wolf disputativeness and ...MAD... and.... But ,surely , wolves take on much larger animals when they are in a pack. Nothing mad about that!


Now look here, Marcus! You have tried to hijack this thread for your own nefarious, wolfy, reasons but I wont have it. Nor will any other right minded person. Stick to the topic 'The Sanity Clause' or I will be puttting out traps. I understand that the leg traps are the cruelestststst. So... watch where you step, WolfBoy!

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Actually, wolves have been seen taking on full grown bulls entirely by themselves....and coming away the victor. This whole 'pack' thing only exists because it makes hunting (as well as many other aspects of life) easier.


But that's why we're here, isn't it? We could all be fine on our own, make great mods without input from other people, have fun without other people, but it's so much easier with this socialization process.


So no matter how crazy someone seems, remember: They'd be crazier if we weren't here for them.

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