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Modern Vehicle models/Textures


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Hi all,


So I was watching the Walking Dead the other day and seeing all the modern-day abandoned cars and trucks on the highways really made me want that in Fallout 4.


As much as I like the retro-futuristic look of the Fallout universe's cars/trucks, I think it would be a really cool mod for immersion to update cars and trucks to look more modern-day (IRL) vehicles. Perhaps assets from another game could be used? Left 4 Dead 2 or GTA 4 or 5 spring to mind, maybe adding some dusty textures to them.


This is probably way too big an undertaking, but just thought I'd put out the idea to see if anyone else would agree. Let me know what you guys think and/or what the feasibility of a mod like this would be.


Thanks for reading!

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that is an interesting hypothetical,

a few folks were suggesting a modernization or recontextualization overhaul.

that'd be great to see as more customization options.

I'm all for modders being able to customize stuff.


I do hope you'll ask around at moddb, code-stack-exchange, the games section of ThisWeekInTech, and your local LAN clubs etc.

you'll be surprised how many folks would want to see a modern era FO game overhaul.


I think it will take quite a few modders to collaborate on an overhaul of that scope,

though it's definitely doable.


there are quite a few different ways to find and import Unity compatible chassis models etc,

and your hypothetical of throughputting from other sources is prima facie a no-go unless you have express written okay and all.

that said, there are places like Yeggi, 2ndlife, autodesk, etc,

where meshes already exist, which could be free-share-alike throughported etc.

there is always the possibility of a likeness from scratch for specific things, if there's a particular vehicle you absolutely gotta have hehe.




that said,

I can see how this can be divisive and a contentious hypothetical for some fallout fans.

it's all about questions of style and subjective perspective.

fallout is different things for different folks.


some fallout FORPG and GURPS fans are quite particular

like the retro50s look, rockabilly, the retro dieselpunk/steampunk and

might consider adam adamowicz's visuals to be definitive. its an integral part of the visual.

retro alt-50s is fallout, if you change key exegetical design elements in that recipe, to the 'purist' Fallout fan,

what you have instead is STALKER or metro or other games,

but perhaps no longer fallout... at least, not canonical, prime-continuity fallout.

whatever that is.

that's how vital that context and exegetical element is to the overall franchise.


If you were to ask me hypothetically, would I play a recontextualized or 'modernized' fallout?

my earnest answer would have to be, no.

for me, fallout is that retro 1900-1950s with a few pastiches.

it diverged in the late 60s from our actual timeline.

I personally wouldn't be interested in a mod overhaul to recontextualize fallout to

the 2020s as the timeframe when 2077 occurred.

why do that, when STALKER, metro, CoD, MGSII and MGSV, Tom Clancy's yada yada,

and many other games are already out there and set in that?


however, I wouldn't preclude others from doing that, if they had the time, effort, inclination and all to do it.

I can't discern or delimit what that 'prime-continuity' is, or tell you what is or is not prime-canon for your own continuity;

I can tell you what my personal continuity looks like from where I stand hehe.

they'd have to recontextualize a lot of stuff. once you change the vehicles,

then the buildings and clothes and robots aren't going to look right... then, the textures,

then, what the people say and the choices,

it'll be a restoration paradox/theseus paradox.




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  • 2 years later...

I wanted this too but in reality, I think only vehicles that are in settlements of ones that can explode can be replaced, the ones that cant explode I think are part of precombines so, it could be done with breaking precombines or breaking them and remaking them which adds a lot of incompatabilities I think. Other thing is you would want a fair variety of cars and that means basically buying a 3d model pack from a website (unless you are making them yourself) I seen some good ones exactly made for this type of thing, but they are expensive.

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