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A couple of ideas


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I am a long time player of the TES series, and totally love them all.


That said, nothing is ever perfect or we would never have modders.


So here is a list - with description - of what I would like to see in the game.


1. Spellfire - Not just the ability to absorb spells cast at you but the full on ADnD Spellfire effect. It is a progressive skill in which the higher your level in Spellfire the more you can do with that energy. It would be apart from the normal magic system and the two would not mix. In other words you couldn't use spellfire to power your mana based spells and vice verse.


2. Fully operational wings - A set of wings, or a winged race, where they could carry you aloft just like any other flight based race (birds, dragons, bats, insects) in fact you could have several with different wing models. Flying would cost you stamina and you would not be able to regenerate stamina while flying. so you would have to land every once in a while to avoid falling. While flying you would be able to use a bow and spells as it would be as natural as running and you can use both while sprinting.


3. Underwater combat - I was very surprised that there was no way to strike while swimming. You can in the previous TES games and this was a tiny minor let down for me. Also Aquatic spells that can only be cast under water, like sonic based spells that need the density of water to have any effect. Under water weapons like the trident and maybe a primitive spear gun as an aquatic version of the bow and arrow.


4. Life tap - An ability to absorb life force to boost your own stats and skills. a touch attack in which you absorb their experience, skills, strengths and weaknesses. Lets say you are facing an ice troll. You touch attack with the life tap and you gain his regenerative abilities as well as his stat points. at the same time his stats, abilities health, magicka, stamina are all reduced. I know this is a very powerful spell, power, ability, or whatever you choose it to be, so as a balance I would suggest that a) it only lasts the same duration in minutes as the magicka used to cast the spell/power, and b) if the creature is reduced to 0 in any stat (including things like the the Ice Troll Regeneration) you would lose all of what you gained instantly and half of your own total values. This could potentially kill you if you are not careful.


5. Other beast races - We have a Kajiit and an argonian race, but where are the other races. Minotaur, Centaur, Titan. Also maybe half animal types - half man half ant, fly, bird, K9, feline, reptile (snakes etc), and all the other creatures that could be made from the pairing of a man and an animal.


6. Sizing - Its not too difficult to put an extra slider into the character generator so why not have one that alters the height of the character.


I do have many other ideas but I think I will leave you with this six to see how everyone reacts to them.

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Another idea is Vorla's Random Spell Generator. Basically you cast and a bolt of magical energy goes screaming to your target. When it hits a totally random magical effect occurs. It is tempered in that it only has the magical effect of one of the spells you know in your spell book. So if you have Sparks and Flames and cast this you get either fire or electric effects. If you have every spell then the sky is your oyster.
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I absolutely quote idea 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The others are good, but I'm not particularly interested as I'm playing a warrior with few magic right now...


Idea 5 would disrupt immersion: we don't know where minotaurs, centaurs, ecc. are placed in Nirn...and I like suspence, as we found where dragons was with Skyrim !!!!

Perhaps we will know further if other beast races exist in Nirn....

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