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The Mantis

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Thomas ran back outside. He tackled a large mass a deadra. Knocking them all down into a dogpile. He grabbed one of their spears and skewered them all. The deadras bodys all stuck to the spear like a rotecery. Golden saints ran into the courtyard. Thomas grabbed one by the throat and crushed its neck. Then spun around and striked a golden saint in the chest stopping her heart. She gasped for air the slumped against a wall. Thomas ran up to a flame atronach and knocked him down. Then he wrapped his legs around the deadras throat. The flame atronach struggled as Thomas squeezed the life from him. Then stopped moving. Thomas twisted its neck all the way around to ensure its death. Then ran to the guard towers.
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OOC: Matthias, isn't this a MORROWIND rp?


IC: Gerard, hearing the sounds of battle, awoke. He ran to the door, and tried the handle.. "Locked. Damn." With a snarl, he drew his staff, and with three blows quickly shattered the door frame and walked out to what seemed to be hell itself. daedra swarmed over the guards trying to push them back out the gate, flying winged twilights dived in and out of the fray, and more daedra tried to climb the walls. Casting a minor levitation spell, Gerard floated high above the fort, watching the battle in progress. Seeing one fighter seemingly about to be consumed by the tide of foes, Gerard threw down his tattered grey cloak, and his hands moved quickly while he spoke the incantation. Suddenly, 50 Gerards were above the keep, and each began casting a spell. Fifty masses of flame, hot as molten iron, leapt out, bashing apart the daedric lines in fifty places, and allowing the guards a brief respite as more daedra surged forward to fill the gaps.


Gerard himself soon felt lightheaded, and began levitating back down. Three meters from the ground, his spell and conciousness gave out, and he plummeted the last several feet to the ground, unconcious.

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