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The Mantis

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Seeing several allies coming to her aid, Laraine recieved a serge of strength and vitality. Shadow's healing spell sealed her wound. Dachande was plummetting to the earth above her. She didn't want to be caught in the area when he came down. She saw a Nord near her, dismay but also incredible power in his eyes. She smiled, and turned towards the daedra. "Naur Anno Enni Bellas!!!!" She shouted to the sky and spun around, bringing her hands up to her temples, fingers strained and tensed. Magicka forces gathered around her. The air surrounding Laraine began to heat. Red tendrils of energy seeped from the earth and air, gathering in an aura wreathing her body. When the energy had reached its peak she pushed the invisible forces downwards and outwards with all her might. In the blink of an eye the forces rivited throught the air, ripples becoming waves and mighty red flames sprang in a nova from her body, a vast circle swept from her center, travelling outwards through daedric shields and armor, frying bodies.

She heard the man Thomas' commands. Laraine saw Shadow run, and she followed him through the mass of flaming bodies.

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Vidar shaked his head. "What did he think I was doing all this time," Vidar thought as he finally began to push the Deadra back. A winged twilight ripped Vidar's helm off and dropped it to the ground. Another clawed at his face, Vidar recieved some deep scratches before he was able to kill the twilight. Blood ran trickled down his face.
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THIS FORT WILL NOT FALL! Dachande go help Sierra. Nobody leaves unless I say so. Thomas dragged Gerard to the infirmary. Then ran outside and tossed potions to Vidar.


OOC- Matthias do as your told and help death penalty. You mess up one more time you die.

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