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Vendor that sells Transfer Settlement Blueprints


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that is AWESOME.




"a wild Davinci has appeared. Blueprints and upgrades galore".

they're an immersive caravan, or a vendor.

they could be construction workers or a wandering band of ronin-Robco-builderbots,

looking for a fore-person to work on the next project.


maybe, Old Man Stockton...


then, those NPC's are actually at your settlement and incrementally build it over an in-game period


I wouldn't buy 'settlement' blueprints from trashcan carla or that wandering shonky-doctor.


one problem though -

if the vendor is static, and at the settlement where they'll be altering...

you could have mod-conflicts or errors crop up, so be sure to also have something

that prevents construction if said blueprint would occupy the space that the blueprint-vendor's stall is...


you'll have to somehow clear that area of the cell and then apply the settlement blueprint.



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There should (must!) be a mod with a vendor that sells blueprints for settlements. The size and scope of each settlement blueprint should be reflected on the price.

I bought your idea. ;)

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