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Follower Up On Horse With You!


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I would really like for my follower to be able to sit behind me on the horse, both for the camaderie of it and so that we can easily join a fight without me having to wait for the follower to catch up...

Besides, how romantic wouldn't it be to be able to have your wife or husband on the horse with you?! For the sheer RP of it. Would probably win over any possible game-hating parent/parents too. :.)


Having follower on horse of its own is not quite enough for me, and logistically a bit miffy.

Edited by Arnkell
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Yes. It doesn't seem that impossible to me, I wouldn't even care if the follower's legs clip a bit through the hind quarters of the horse, what matters is that it works. The kinks can be worked out later. Even a 0.1 version would be so cool.



The way I see it, you only need to give the follower the same "sit on saddle" body position script as the player has, then bind the follower to your char's location and X/Y it a few inches behind you. The polish (having the follower conform to horse surface, having arms wrapped around the player's abdomen for support) can come later.


Hell, I would even settle for this idea: make the follower think that the horse is a chair, then add "sit" as a command in the "I want you to do something for me" conversation option, and have the follower sit with both legs over one side, "sidesaddle" style, behind you on the horse. It would look hilarious, before later fixes make the follower sit more realistically, but it would work!

Edited by Arnkell
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There are more thread about this...I hope someone will take the idea once the CK comes out (soon, hopefully...............).


Btw, I repeat my opinion: riding on the same horse would be better because you don't have to wait your partner (surely stacked in something...) and you can climb mountains with them...

But in some cases I too would like them riding on a different horse...perhaps a mod where you can choose ?

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  • 2 years later...

I like the idea of choosing for each companion character I too searched for a double mount mod and was surprised it had not already been done. I've seen mods with rapey bears and boob mods bigger then your head but was surprised there was no double mount mod.

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