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This is the "End of January" right?


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Firstly there is plenty wrong with steam, those who like steam are the few spared of its problems.

Heres a few:


Forcing you to Download a game you have just bought, despite having the disk, wasting 7-8 hours of your life (not DLing and update, the actual game!)

Not allowing you to play a game because an update is avaliable, then you find the update is bugged and breaks your game and you were forced to DL it.

Connecting randomly to online when set to offline mode and not allowing you to play any games because steam decides 'the game is unavalilbe' for no apparent reason

Not allowing you to play any offline games because the steam server is unavalible, I went around my friends thinking it was my internet playing up, but he was able to play it and I wasnt, despite both having access to the interent, the only difference being I could not play the game and he could.


CTD of games as soon as an update comes out, which happened to me corrupting my most recent saves and forcing me to update.


Even now when set to offline mode, when I use the internet if a game of mine needs updating, ALL my games become unavalible, even though im set to offline mode it 'detects' an update is there and wont let me play any of my games until that one is updated then takes 3 hours to update it when a file of the same size takes 5mins from the nexus mods etc.


Im just being purely informative here, I have no intention of starting an argument as Ive already been warned in another thread that anyone else invloved in one of these threads and having an argument will be banned.

Im just pointing out in a friendly way that a lot of people have issues with steam and myself dont trust its intergration with the CK.

So dont reply with abuse to this post, I have no intention of posting again im just pointing out the facts, just count yourself lucky that you dont have these problems and many others ive encountered

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