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Game Crashing Help! Skyrim Modding Noob!


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I've just recently started messing around with Skyrim mods. I don't know much about modding. I do have a few mods installed. I am near the end of the Dark Brother Hood Quest line I just claimed my reward for killing the emperor. I need to go to the new Dark Brother Hood Sanctuary in Dawnstar and see Nazir. Every time I try to enter it loads for a few seconds then crashes. If any could offer any advice for a noob it would be greatly appreciated. Here are my mods.

Sit animation

enchanced camera

flora overhaul

2k textures


statis mesh improvements

The ordinary women

toccata follower

ultimate hd fire effects



vivid landscapes

vivid weathers

wet and cold

wet function redux

XP32 Max skeleton Extended


plus the attatched file



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What edition of Skyrim are you using?


Have you LOOTed your mod order? Be sure to read the FAQ section for troubleshooting installation.


Have you cleaned with TES5Edit where directed? Read each mod's description thoroughly. Some mods have intentional "dirty" edits and cleaning them will break the mod.


Do you use SKSE? Some mods demand you use this for them to work properly. Be sure to follow the link to Gopher's video for installing and troubleshooting.


If none of that works for you, come back and post your rig's stats for us.


Also, in the future, post troubleshooting questions here. You'll get more responses quicker.

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What edition of Skyrim are you using?


Have you LOOTed your mod order? Be sure to read the FAQ section for troubleshooting installation.


Have you cleaned with TES5Edit where directed? Read each mod's description thoroughly. Some mods have intentional "dirty" edits and cleaning them will break the mod.


Do you use SKSE? Some mods demand you use this for them to work properly. Be sure to follow the link to Gopher's video for installing and troubleshooting.


If none of that works for you, come back and post your rig's stats for us.


Also, in the future, post troubleshooting questions here. You'll get more responses quicker.

I am using the latest version of skyrim. I have looted my mod order. I only cleaned the master files except the actual skyrim file. I do use skse. Just some more info I made my skyrim vanilla again made a new character played through the quest again got to the same point and it worked. But whenever I try to do anything in vanilla with my old character if i'm lucky enough for it to even load, any where I go it crashes. My old character is level 30 and I put quite a few hours into it. So thanks for helping. In the future I will post on troubleshooting thanks. By rig do you mean my computer. If so, here. Sorry like I said i'm very new.

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Ah, you may be looking at a save corruption. While many things can contribute to a save file being corrupted, removing mods in mid-game is a leading cause. There are some save cleaners on the Nexus that might help.


For example: Fallrim Tools.


Note: Use save cleaners at your own risk. Read the instructions carefully.


Edit: Your rig's stats are fine. The only (minor) issue I see is that you only have 3GB of VRAM in your video card. If you lots of texture heavy mods at high resolution, you might run out of VRAM while playing, thus leading to a ctd.

Edited by LeddBate
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