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Nifskope BSLightingShaderProperty help


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Hello anyone who reads this


I am currently trying to import some Skyrim nifs into blender and am following this guide http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3790. I however have hardly any knowledge of NifSkope and therefore cannot find the BSLightingShaderProperty to delete it (because blender can't read it or something). Please can someone take a small amount of their time to just tell me where to go to find it> I know this is probably very "nooby" but If I have to ask a newby question to start modding I will. Oh, and it also says that after making the changes for preparation (see the guide) it says you need to save, but I'm not sure what it means, because I can save the file but I'm not sure how to save the setting changes it describes. If anyone can help I would be very grateful.

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Hang on a minute, I just realised this guide is for armor nifs when I am making a sword mesh. So if you've read it, should I just skip the part about the BP_TORSO etc. because it seems to be about weighting which is not necessary for a sword? Edited by Daedthr
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Well if it's a weapon, you could just open the nif in nifskope, file>export> export obj.

Oh, ok. Sorry that I ask questions that probably don't deserve to be questions to you :). I'll do that then, oh and btw you have actually given me a lot of other help without knowing because on a lot of the topics I read to give me some information, you've posted something that's been helpful or you've at least posted. You must quite active, so thanks.

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