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Lore speculation: Stuhns influence


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So I was thinking about the Ancient Nordic pantheon the other day, and each members influence is generally clear on the culture. But one I couldn't narrow down too much was Stuhn, the God of ransom, who taught the Nords the value of taking prisoners.


Now obviously he is important for the sake of being a shield-thane to Shor, and you get the whalebone bridge, which is loosely associated I guess; but what actual impact has he had on the society? *REVISION* I know he leads to Stendarr, but I'm asking in the context of Atmoran/early Nord culture at the time of.


. As far as records go, did the Atmorans ever take prisoners? They slaughtered the Falmer. I know they used elven slaves to build Windhelm, but that's kind of shallow in terms of meaning and impact.


. Is there a location you'd maybe associate him with? e.g. Kyne maybe the Skyforge, Jhunal could be associated with the mages of Winterhold, Shor and Orkey potentially with Falkreath and the Hall of the Dead etc + Sovengarde obviously.


I'm brainstorming some ideas for a future mod, so thank you for any help on the matter.

Edited by BobbyP92
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In simple terms: Nordic Stuhn=Imperial Stedarr. As is always the case with the Lore, the truth is a little more complicated than that. Here's a couple reading pieces I can think of off the top of my head that may help:


Shor Son of Shor


The Nord's Totemic Religion


Also, a couple good websites for TES Lore:


Reddit TESLore


Bethsoft ESLore

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Thank you for the reply :), I knew that his representation basically leads to Stendarr. But at the time of Stuhn being the deity, it would make sense that his ideas were practiced somewhat, if that makes sense? Unless his relevance was almost entirely the shield-thane thing. I'm going to check those links out now, cheers man.


If you don't mind me asking, would there be any locations (outside of the whalebone bridge in Sovengarde), that you'd maybe link him to?

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