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Quest with Skyforge weapons


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I would wish for a small quest where in the end there would be as a reward a cache of weapons from the excellent Skyforge Weapons mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5609/?). Preferably two or three weapons of each kind. Also if possible a similar number of shields from the equally spectacular Skyforge Shields mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4008/?) would be awesome. I am not a modder at all myself and I would like an opportunity to own and enchant said equipment without needing to join the companions (for console command -free characters), so that's why the request.


The quest doesn't need to be complex at all, nor long/big. A note to be found somewhere, or a book read. Say, from some legendary blacksmith or a bandit lord's last words hinting at his legacy weapons resting place where possibly their ghost would guard the gear buried with them. This clue pointing to a coffin or a chest somewhere secluded. With some appropriately formidable opponent guarding it. That would suffice extremely nice. If necessary I can supply all needed in-game text and lore.


This is my first mod request if memory serves so not sure what else I should say, if anything. Might have posted a request before but that had to be at least like five years ago.


Anyways, thanks in advance in case anyone wants to make a quest as such or alternatively point me to the direction of an existing one! :)

Edited by devilbound
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