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Will Steam Workshop split the modding community?


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I blame the pirates.


Another case of the many being punished for the actions of the few.


Sorry friend, but your views seem to include several false myths which were created as industry propaganda. Pirates neither insert DRM nor are they hindered by it, nor is piracy why DRM was invented. Piracy is the excuse for the various entertainment industries technological and legal attempts to damage the markets for used entertainment which they incorrectly view as competitors. That's why DRM exists, not piracy.


Ever try to trade in one Steam game for another because it was old and you wanted some extra cash to buy its successor? Have fun with that adventure.


And as a reminder, there are generally two types of pirates: Those who never buy anything and cannot be considered a lost sale by any rational person and those who spend more money on entertainment than the combined purchases of several non-pirates.


Not to forget, attending to this focus :

When talking about pirates and DRM, believe me or not, i can tell you from finest sources, that most warez are leaked without DRM at all from inside the game studios, as in some pubilishing companies are more "crackers" than anywhere else...


But anyway.

My big Problem with Steam Workshop is at first, that steam gets the ownership of the mod. like a "publisher".

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Maybe when the real life falls on the credule, the community (and I mean the Free, understanding community) may be more united than ever. Because at some point each one, forcibly, gets to understand that imposed community is only a bunch of people pushed together. Edited by nosisab
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i dont think it will be a success, people will keep uploading to the nexus like they always have. Plus thats whats delaying the CK, and they will have a lot of control around the mods etc. Bottom line, Nexus isnt going anywhere, SW will likely fail.


This is my belief also. Support Nexus, boycott SW.


While I don't think a boycott is quite necessary (it will succeed or fail on its own, more likely on the negative side), I do agree it will likely have little effect on the Nexus and probably fall short in the big picture. I get to be one of the oddballs in here, I actually like Steam for the most part, but will be getting none of my mods from the Workshop, sticking to the Nexus for almost everything. The only way I could possibly be enticed over is if one of a handful of what I consider to be must-haves end up there exclusively, which is extremely unlikely at best.


Besides, the Nexus will always have at least one thing Steam will never carry in their mods section: naughty bits. :dance:


im with this fella, steam isn't perfect, but i've come to like it, that's not gonna stop me coming to the nexus for the mods,,, unless some are simply exclusive and look pretty awesome, then i'll have to try SW... thats it.

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For now Steam workshop is only a promise and as many promises it may promise more that "can" accomplish. Many of us here are veterans on modding Bethesda games and know how hard is to make many mods to work together.


To keep up with that promise of click and play Steam will have to filter carefully what to make available in their workshop, and not filter for quality and gaming value, mind you, even if was ease to tell what is valuable to everyone.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey OP! Two months later and your thread is still alive. Just thought I'd add my story here since I believe it applies well to the topic.


Quick background:

I have been into RPG forever. Was a Dungeon Master back in the AD&D days. So when Skyrim came out I knew I would have to have it. I bought PS3's three years ago for my entertainment systems to play blu-rays. I let my Pc's lapse in the upgrade arena and began to buy my games on the PS3 platform. So...yes I bought Skyrim for the PS3 :wallbash: We all know how that went. End of background.


So after my really bad PS3 episode I decided to upgrade my PC so I could play Skyrim in all it's glory at Ultra High. I ordered all my equipment and began the wait for it's eventual arrival. :whistling:


Now here is where it gets to the topic. I had never before added a MOD to any PC game I have played. Since I had idle time due to waiting for my equipment to arrive I decided to do some research. I realized right away I had been missing out on some really great stuff!


I discovered there were two resources for these MODS, NEXUS and Steam. Which one to use? I had never used any MODS and knew next to nothing about them. So I began to exam each resource closely without bias.


Steam had obvious ease of use. I immediately found this to be attractive since I was a noob at this MOD thing. They even promised to keep it 'organized' for me. This made me skeptical. I am a tech and I know that to be a big promise that is near impossible to support. I also discovered Steam was new to the MOD scene. They also didn't seem to have a knowledgeable community connected to them. I have always found that to be a very helpful resource in the gaming world.


NEXUS didn't seem to be as user freindly. But it was very obvious they had been around for awhile. They did have a manager (NMM) that was/is in beta that offered to manage my MODS for me. I was curious why this was in beta even tho NEXUS had been around for so long. I discovered that the NEXUS community had always been installing/uninstalling MODS manually....always. And that most still do. To me this indicated that there were a lot of very knowledgeable people in the NEXUS community in regards to MODS and MODDING.


Trying to decide which way to go I noticed a glaring difference between Steam and NEXUS. Steam was restricting content on their site. Don't get me wrong here, I am not advocating porn in games. But I do advocate freedom of choice. I don't believe in restricting creativity in a person. If you do the world ends up flat.


As it turns out that was the deciding factor for me, a noob in the world of MODS. Wondering how it all turned out?


Currently running:

49 MODS (and counting)



Script Dragon


Wyre Bash


NEXUS Community


Thanks to all the above my game runs flawlessly and is the most unique RPG experience I've ever had.


In the the long run NEXUS will still be here. After the lure of false promises and money people will still be looking for what only the NEXUS has to offer right now and in the future....an experienced and knowledgeable community.

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Trying to decide which way to go I noticed a glaring difference between Steam and NEXUS. Steam was restricting content on their site. Don't get me wrong here, I am not advocating porn in games. But I do advocate freedom of choice. I don't believe in restricting creativity in a person. If you do the world ends up flat.


As it turns out that was the deciding factor for me, a noob in the world of MODS.


Me thinks you made a good choice.

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Steam makes it much easier to keep track of updates but I HATE trying to browse the Workshop. It's just horrible!


EDIT: Anyway, here's my opinion on what SW is doing to the Nexus currently. Some Nexus users have left, but very few. SW has attracted more people new to modding but the Nexus has still gotten plenty of new members. The Nexus has almost every mod that's on SW and some exclusives too. Most of the exclusives for SW are probably mods where the modder couldn't be bothered to spend less than a minute to upload it to the Nexus, meaning that most of those mods were probably poorly made. A lot of Nexus exclusives are really well done. NMM is already very user-friendly so I think that when it's out of Beta, it'll increase the popularity of the Nexus.

Edited by shotgun188
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