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Is Steam Workshop going to be like Internet Explorer?


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If you look at that video, rather than getting overexcited with consipracy theories, it confirms what Matt Grandstaff told me, that uploading to Steam Workshop will be completely optional. There are quite clearly different options for just the usual, simple File->Save (ie to your own hard drive) as we always have, as well as the File -> package and upload to Steam Workshop (well it says something of that order) option.


Support Nexus, and just don't use Steam Workshop. I think most people will. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone thinks making it easy to download and install mods is a good thing. All that it will do is make it easier for modding noobs to wreck their games and then just imagine the scenario;-


- Dovahkid downloads a shedload of mods from the workshop

- His game won't start/crashes

- He asks for support on Steam Workshop/forums and doesn't get it

- he chases the modders on here "Baawwwww your rotten mod killed my install", he either

- trolls so hard he gets banned or

- (less likely) asks politely enough to get support and gets his game into shape

- Steam then autoupdates his mods and the whole cycle begins again....


The whole Steam Workshop system is pants. Easier is not always better. Users should be encouraged to get knowledgeable, we all had to start somewhere and I am better for it now. Ah...the days when I was terrified by googly eyes in Oblivion...now I know exactly how to fix these issues.

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I don't think it'll be anything like Windows IE because there are already alternatives available and, remember, this modding stuff is all non-profit (as it should be). If anything this is Bethesda's attempt to convince the people who aren't big modders and don't know about modding to attempt to mod the game, mod it easily, and mod it without much work. Bethesda knows that a TON of Oblivion and Morrowind sales are due to mods (I've heard something like 40%, especially so over time) so this is a way to extend the game's life beyond that of a normal RPG.
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The point is I always get upset when something is "shoved" into my world, which I didn't asked for and don't want. We as users became used to those practices and have been tamed to accept and be dependent of every shift coming from "above". All types of techniques and approaches are "valid", starting from creating format monopoly dependence to everything else we can imagine and some we could not imagine. Still today such dependency is notable, be it direct or reflected in being too much used to the situation to even believe it could be other way.


Sometimes is hard to get high hopes for humanity or ever mankind, but let's not dwell more on this.

Edited by nosisab
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they will surely try to turn people away from the Nexus and into their site, they will offer what seems like an easier way to download and install mods (this will appeal to some of the more mainstream COD or maybe younger public), they will try to offer "new and improved" stuff to make novice modders upload to their site (like the "extra easy" way to upload right from the CK). Will they be victorious ? No, at least in my opinion. People are already active here and wont leave the Nexus for some Steam thingy with a couple of Neon Signs that say "jump in". SW will censor and control a lot of mods.



Also i think its possible they plan to charge for mods in the future, since the SW agreement clearly states that Valve can and will choose on their sole discretion to charge for a mod.


Anyway they cant shut down the Nexus, unless some of this Bills ever pass.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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Trying to draw a parallel to the browser wars is a bit absurd.


As long as they don't restrict one from installing mods independent of Steam, then I don't see a problem. Right now, even with NMM, installing and updating mods is a bit of a science project. With the popularity of Skyrim, this is a great opportunity to get more folks playing mods and for Steam to really show off the benefits of PC gaming.

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