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Vault-Tec light snapping?


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So after sinking countless hours and evenings after work I finally had my vault about done and ready for interior decorating. So I says to myself "Kinda dark in here." And so the mind numbing task of placing lights had begun. Making sure they were all in a straight line. Well of course they are never centered or straight. Cause why would anything ever be that simple? Well unfortunately my modding skills are non-existent and I don't even know where I would begin. Seems like it would be simple to add snap points to the lights and on things such as the rooms or hallways. Anyone know if this is a feasible mod to make?

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I hear you, and know that tedium you refer to hehe.




a couple of folks made a 'placeable light-tray' -

its an 'invisible decal' that you can attach only light-type objects to.

it has snappable intervals on it, and allows you to place it and have all your lights in a row all straight and at regular intervals.

I think it was WuXeiHan or Niels,

one of those modders hehe. I'm fairly certain they're unlisted or at moddb.

It made everything that much easier.

say you need to move a semi-detached house 4ft right, and don't want to move everything in the settlement... this helps make that happen.

the best part? you can attach the modular lighting control module to it,

and then on to your intermittent power network,

to make those lights turn on and off -

perfect for a helipad or for pattern lighting, or an 8 bit computer...


I'm hoping to make the holo-projector pieces intergrable with the lighting system decals too,

so that you can move your holoprojector with the light source too.

perfect for nodal control to make it look 'battle damaged' etc.

I think a couple of other modders had similar ideas - DarthWayne was looking at a few ideas for

different lights and whatnot.




good luck and I look forward to seeing your completed mod settlement in the future

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