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Where is Mrs. Stormcloack, Ulfric's Wife?


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I think you should combine 1 and 2. He is gay and has no time as he enjoys beating off the empire.


Not to lower the tone of the thread or anything but that was perhaps not the best way of phrasing that. :whistling: :biggrin:

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im all for 3, it is a big world so its understandable to have some barely fleshed out characters but major characters like him need some love. though on the otherhand the whole civil war was pretty rushed and the aftermath was badly done so bethesda may have just gotten lazy and/or rushed. i for one am glad it wasnt delayed
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4. he's a giant douche and whines like a girl - i.e. fail diplomacy in 'season unending'


Before I played skyrim I was going to join the stormcloaks, cos they sounded cool... but then he said in his pretentious know-it-all voice "legends dont burn down forts..." and I realised that no one will ever want a giant douchebag like him

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One question, does ANY jarl has a wife/husband? Elisif's husband is dead.


Balgruuf is single (with children though). Riften's jarl also has sons but she's single. Fakerath's jarl too. Markath's, Morthal's too. I think Dawnstar's Jarl has a wife, and im not sure bout Winterhold's jarl.


Still, i think that not many of the 9 hold jarls have children nor spouse. So, they're all gay obviously /jk :)


But lets see. That old woman jarl of Morthal, alone. Markath's jarl has an uncle, but he is pretty alone too. Both Falkerath's jarls (the stupid and the paranoid) are alone. Ulfric is alone. Elisif is alone. Like half the jarls are completely alone, they have no family.


Even more so, think about all the sort of happy couples in Skyrim. They're not that many.

Edited by eltucu
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4. he's a giant douche and whines like a girl - i.e. fail diplomacy in 'season unending'


Before I played skyrim I was going to join the stormcloaks, cos they sounded cool... but then he said in his pretentious know-it-all voice "legends dont burn down forts..." and I realised that no one will ever want a giant douchebag like him


In season unending he was standing in front of the Thalmor interrogator who tortured him (Elenwen) and the man who wanted to cut off his head and nearly did (Tullius). I can't fault a man if he cannot bring himself to show forgiveness on those accounts. That is what diplomats and ambassadors are for after all.

And the line in Helgen was one of my favorite, I certainly did not see it in such a negative light.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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