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Skyrim Workshop on steam VS nexus?


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To be honest the Steam Workshop method of installing mods has some features that I'd love to see in the NMM.

In fact it works great for very simple mods, in that you can subscribe to it, it'll auto install, and even auto update when necessary.

I'd love to see a magic button in NMM that I can click to auto update my mod to the latest version instead of having to navigate to the mod page and re-download every time. Perhaps in the future; It keeps getting better and better as a quality beta.


Not saying this to stir contention. I LOVE the Nexus. I've been here since TESN.

The customization, complexity, and quality of the communities work is absolutely phenomenal here, and I plan to stay.

But I see no reason to essentially boycott the SW on some imagined principal that Valve is being evil about it. It's just looks like their service is meant to be used my simpler kinds of gamers.


Happy to discuss further; I've been surprised by the extreme negativity revolving around this topic.

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I don't like everything is auto update, when the update isn't doing any significant changes.


Beside I've been here since tesnexus, it's bit like a home whenever I browse any mods


and it's easier to sort out the mods. The NMM works well. it notifies me when new mods have updates


beside, everything you find on SW are also in Nexus.


Beside, have you ever heard SW modding community before CK released? no? me neither.

Edited by NeoMeteora
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hey they altered a great RPG franchise and created a nerfed game for casual gamers, of course they would do the same for the mods too. Now it is very easy to install a mod, you just subscrib to it and wait ... but ho dear if the next patch of a mod is full of bug it will not permit you to turn back and use the old version.



In fact i have the feeling bethesda target only 12 year old people, lazy gamers or pc noobs .

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Both work fine for me. Sometimes the Nexus servers are down, sometimes Steam is down.


The only thing that gives Steam the upper hand is because pirates cannot access the Workshop at all. Other than that, it doesn't matter to me. Both are easy to use.

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Bought Skyrim off Steam, went straight away to Nexus. Then the Workshop mods got me interested. Started downloading and using Workshop mods together with Nexus mods. Then I realised Workshop modders were mirroring their work on Nexus.


Today, I unsubscribed all my Workshop mods and moved everything to NMM. Tighter control, more comments, integration with SKSE.

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Have fun using the auto update until it breaks your game when two mods suddenly conflict due to an update.


You will still need SKSE for any complex mods, companions etc, which SW users loath.


Good luck getting those complex mods to work without the ability to sort load order. Weather and city mods without load order, forget it.


No ESM support... again, no big mods.


Using a companion or npc overhaul along with cosmetic mods? Forget it, you can't merge your mods so these won't play together.


I could go on all day why SW only works for the casual modder. If you want to do a lot with many different mods you will find yourself at the Nexus and using SKSE, NMM, BASH and Edit tools.

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In a distant future , if modders realise that they could make some money with SW I don't have any doubt that they will chose Steam for the big mods. The minor ones and the compilations will remains here.

Maybe but maybe, just maybe these mods may get their own sites as happens already now.

If this came from someone with a least clue at least it would be a case for worrying, but that's clearly not the case.


Still, mixing mods from Nexus and SW must be done with double care. Using BSAs to encapsulate mods will be a major source of problems. To try to resume a brief explanation for the claim. imagine /Data is meant to be used to "override" files in BSAs, so the files in it are sure to be used. Files in BSAs will fight among themselves and make almost impossible to use conflicting features from different mods without making one the mods totally dominating at the load order. Let alone patching that mess will be harder than already is.


For that reason, although I'm not sure if a case ever exist, modders should avoid uploading BSA encapsulated mods to nexus, least it starting to have the same problem.


Of course BSAs are useful when used correctly, for example in mod resources and alike, but surely is not to be generalized.

Edited by nosisab
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