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Error when building solution


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Dear reader,


I have a problem when I try to build my mod in XCOM ModBuddy.


Every time when I try to do it I get the same result:


--------------------Core - Release--------------------
--------------------Engine - Release--------------------
--------------------GFxUI - Release--------------------
--------------------AkAudio - Release--------------------
--------------------GameFramework - Release--------------------
--------------------UnrealEd - Release--------------------
--------------------GFxUIEditor - Release--------------------
--------------------IpDrv - Release--------------------
--------------------OnlineSubsystemSteamworks - Release--------------------
--------------------XComGame - Release--------------------
--------------------XComEditor - Release--------------------
Success - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 Unique Errors, 0 Unique Warnings)
Execution of commandlet took: 12.26 seconds
Done building project "A_Better_Life.x2proj" -- FAILED.


========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
I already tried to delete everything in the mods folder of XCOM2 SDK with no results.
Can somebody please help me fix/solve this issue?
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