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Animations and bones for adding new monsters to skyrim (advice need


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I would like some advice about animations and skeletons for 3dsmax , im planning to add some new monsters to skyrim so ive picked some skeletons from some default monsters that are the closest match to the meshes i want to add but quite a few of these beasts native attack would be slashing with claws NO WEAPONS like the werewolf or spriggin ? if im not mistaken .

But some of the skeletons ive earmarked are from chars that use spells or weapons so my to main questions are how would i transfer an attack animation from one npc bone structure to one slightly different .

My second question is what can be done if the skeleton set ive chosen arms are either to long or short for the mesh i want to rig it to & i dont want to edit the mesh, can you lengthen\shorten bones even move bones them

so they fit better without causing a major any problems.


so for example i take a biped bone set lengthen the forearms slightly then rig it to my mesh then make it use one of the native monsters slashing animations that works best .


thanks in advance

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you can transfer animations between different skeletons, the keyword is retarget animation. Several programs can do it. There is something called webanimate which is probably usable for doing this.

thanks , im have finally managed to get skyrim animations working in max, something im very pleased about because now it can view my rigging progress on the fly rather that having to put it in game and do the swim test ;).

but i also now see how animations can just be dropped on to non native skeletons even if it does sometime look like a scene from THE THING.

But i do have a question about something is it possible to take something like a slashing animation from a sprigging\ and the top torso section of bones and join them to the bones a human skeleton , so i end up with a perfect slashing movement without the weird legs that i get due to the fact that the spriggin toe bones are really long.

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If you're not reluctant to scripting: 3DS has an extremely powerful and easy to use script language, Maxscript.


Import and export of animations data is pretty simple. And then you can easily merge data, change bone names, and all of that.

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  • 3 months later...

Dude i heard u cant add new animations to add new monser or combodt move without to replace is that corect? still not solved these problem.

my understanding is that you can not add new animations to exsisting races without replacing ,BUT if you create a new race you can add whatever new anims you please.

maxscript sounds intresting ,i will have to do some research thx.

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my understanding is that you can not add new animations to exsisting races without replacing ,BUT if you create a new race you can add whatever new anims you please.



The misunderstanding with "New races are the last resort for adding new animations" is, that you can make new races for certain TEMPORARY tasks. And then you can REPLACE some of the race's animations with different one without anyone notecing. But it's still a replacement.


ADDING new animations can only be done by changing the behavior files. For new or for vanilla races.

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New animation means

new Actor Action>New Event>NewTrigger>New Animation Trigger Generator>New Animation machine hkb generator> New Animation Blend hkb generator > New Animation file path


All of them must be in sync in :

- Event in CK

- behaviour file

- script for key control

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