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Sanity Clues


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... but still no proof that any one here has the requisite skills to recognize Sanity...

Sanity = not me.


...let alone has the wherewithall to deal it the summary justice it is due.

The video explains quite clearly how to cure those afflicted with insanity.


...but the Wisdom it contains lapsed with the end of the Age of the Python. We are almost in the post Boosh era. This is the time for wondrous new contra-sanity Wisdom. Where shall we find it? And who shall impart it!? The Despair!

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Ahhh Canuck Wolfboy... but I did. I included the ' Ey!?' specially with you in mind. And I kept it subtle, like, just in case it was a deep dark secret that you were trying to keep...secret.


Canadian : not so much a people , more of a condition. Next to wolves, Canadians are one of the most endangered species. Why paint another target on you!? Why ... why...? The Canadian traps are everywhere! OH! CANADA! Suits YOU, sir. ( if you've never seen the Fast Show, you wont get it... : ))

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