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Active effects disappearing


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I was playing normally, doing quests, when I noticed that all of my active effects disappeared from the magic menu except for the Nord racial trait and item bonuses (+50% frost resist, and enchanted equipment)

Loading a save 2 hours earlier, ALL active effects disappeared, including racial and stuff. "Active effects" tab was simply grey, and not only hidden (the bonus actually didn't apply to my character)

A save of 4 hours earlier was fine.


I did nothing special during this time, execpt a few quests (one daedric, the lexicon, and a couple of misc quests)


the effects of this bug (very very small spoilers, just some of the active effects I lost) :



So now, I don't have the permanent active effects from certain quests (dibella, infinite knowledge and such...), disease immunity of being a werewolf (means I could be a werevampire? xD) and when I morph into a werewolf, I cannot go back to human form (lost the "beast blood" active effect)




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Did you use the showracemenu command? when I use it the active effects (from items only) are gone, removing and equipping fixes it, but the other stuff I don't know. The only chance you have is adding every power you've lost through console.

No, I didn't use the showracemenu


I thought of that, but some are not really possible to add through console (like lycanthropy) and some don't work properly (like infinite wisdom, which require to mess with actor values too)



Anybody knows from where that could come from?

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  • 3 years later...

Ive had a similar issue while using SkyUI+SKSE (latest versions) and changing forms from BeastForm back to normal. Supposedly the effect is still there but for some reason its not showing in the list I believe it is a bug with SkyUI.


For Instance, while using Aetherial's Crown to get two Stone powers, once BeastForm / VampireLord is activated all Active effects are removed. Upon returning to normal human form the effects are suppose to be reapplied. I have noticed that this is not always the case, or atleast it doesn't appear so.


After my own personal investigation (having thought I lossed the LoverStone, I went back to get it again. Being Prompted that I already have this Stone Power, though it does not show up in the list.


You can go get another power, come back to the LoverStone and get it again, than reequip the Crown. For example. But I am also missing Gaurdians Insight (the power that reduces damage I can inflict upon followers amoung other powers. While its concerning I believe that the powers are still there and just bugged from appearing in the list.


I hope this helps, if this is at all similar to what you are encountering. I am hoping that a Game Reload will address the list and show the remaining powers. I really should post this on SkyUI's forums page.

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