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Inigo is randomly leaving me and goes to an inn.


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Inigo is a very complex NPC follower. He literally has his own AI package, so there's a few points to keep in mind.

1. Some follower mods (such as AFT, UFO and others) can "confuse" Inigo if you use any of their options to control his behavior.

2. If you've upgraded him, and didn't follow the instructions in his FAQ completely, he may go "dur?" on you in various ways.

3. If you're using the Nexus version of him, make sure you're not also subscribed to the Steam Workshop version (and vice-versa.) This can also cause him to go "dur?".

4. If you don't have the complementary "InigoMCM" mod, I suggest you try it.




And most importantly... Are you a werewolf?

Because, if you are, that's a major issue.

'Cause, cats and dogs dude, cats and dogs....






Belated April Fools....

Just kidding about the werewolf part.



Edited by LeddBate
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