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Please can anyone help me,i been playing skrim 3 weeks,but ofc in this 3 weeks my pc randomly shutdown when walking/adventuring/or doing something in skyrim.


Btw im using laptop with a normal speed fan,heres the spec:

-Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

-Intel Core I3 2340 @2.3Ghz

-Ati Radeon 6470HD (2 Gb Video Memory)

-Ram 4Gb



The step when my pc shutdown suddenly is when im playing skyrim is i play about 20-30minutes , then it suddenly freeze for 1-2secs , then my pc shutdown itself!


Please help me! I dont how to fix this issue , i been searching in google n i found the fix is opening your part of computer,but im using laptop!! I dont know how to open it so pls can anyone help me!? Thanks

Edited by jstkp20
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sounds like your PC either over heated or crashed. was it getting hot?

The step when my pc shutdown suddenly is when im playing skyrim is i play about 20-30minutes , then it suddenly freeze for 1-2secs , then my pc shutdown itself!
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Yes thats most probably overheating,are you using fan for laptop that could help,also does it happens when playing any other game or doing anything else except playing Skyrim?

I already said im using fan but not gaming fan.


Does it happens when playig any other game?


Nope,last time before i didnt have fan, i play mafia 2, the problem is same , random shutdown. Then i decided to buy that not gaming fan , and it helps(no more shutdown)


3 weeks ago i started playing skyrim,shits happen everytime, even with fan , this random / sudden shutdown happens. Skyrim only!! No games that i play in my laptop that random sudden shutdown (re 6,mafia2,gta 4,dota2,vall of duty


Help A.S.A.P!

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As qwertyzeldar pointed out, the most likely cause is that your laptop is overheating. There's not much that you can do about the problem except make sure that you have good air circulation around your laptop. The extra fan helps, yes, but make sure you aren't playing on a soft surface like your bed or a pillow. Playing on a soft surface blocks the vents that help cool your laptop. The only other thing you can do is to play Skyrim in short sessions, then give your laptop time to cool down.


I'm sorry that you're having this problem. Skyrim is very demanding on a computer, and even the best rigs will sometimes have issues. I hope you get things sorted out. :smile:

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As qwertyzeldar pointed out, the most likely cause is that your laptop is overheating. There's not much that you can do about the problem except make sure that you have good air circulation around your laptop. The extra fan helps, yes, but make sure you aren't playing on a soft surface like your bed or a pillow. Playing on a soft surface blocks the vents that help cool your laptop. The only other thing you can do is to play Skyrim in short sessions, then give your laptop time to cool down.


I'm sorry that you're having this problem. Skyrim is very demanding on a computer, and even the best rigs will sometimes have issues. I hope you get things sorted out. :smile:

Nope i know that my laptop will get bad air circulation if i play on a sofa/bed, so i play on the table,also i have broken extra fan beneath the laptop (to prevent blocked air circulation) , + extra mini fan that working.


Is that enough for my laptop? Or perhaps i should buy gaming fan (that beneath my laptop)? Thanks

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Yeah you're probably going to need a full sized fan, here's one i use fo for my old laptop: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01COUWBJ6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1490808070&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=Marvo+FN-30+15+-+17+inch


Not sure if it's the right size though. The problem is that your pc has the minimum specs for skyrim as well as being a laptop (parts arent as good). To further help, if you havent yet i recommend downloading and using mods that reduce the impact the game inflicts on your PC. Also how much free space do you have on your drive?

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Yes thats most probably overheating,are you using fan for laptop that could help,also does it happens when playing any other game or doing anything else except playing Skyrim?

I already said im using fan but not gaming fan.


Does it happens when playig any other game?


Nope,last time before i didnt have fan, i play mafia 2, the problem is same , random shutdown. Then i decided to buy that not gaming fan , and it helps(no more shutdown)


3 weeks ago i started playing skyrim,shits happen everytime, even with fan , this random / sudden shutdown happens. Skyrim only!! No games that i play in my laptop that random sudden shutdown (re 6,mafia2,gta 4,dota2,vall of duty


Help A.S.A.P!

Yeah overheating is really big problem and I experienced it too :(,only thing that I can suggest is mentioned gaming fan or you can try playing in some other room where's temperature lower that's what I'm doing when it's summer moving my PC to the attic :)
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