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[POTENTIAL SPOILERS] Dark Souls III: The Ringed City


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Any Dark Souls fans here? For those of you who have it, have you been enjoying the recent DLC?

I myself have been enjoying it a great deal, just finished it in fact. Planning on doing another playthrough soon. The new enemies are fun and the bosses were really interesting. The new fashion is cool too.


I would advice any commentators to keep it as spoiler free as possible for those who have not finished it yet or do not yet have it but are planning to pick it up.

Edited by Skagens
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If it's the DS3 forum, I took a look there before posting and a majority of the posts are just mod requests. I figured I'd be able to get more responses if I just posted it here.

I apologize if this is posted in the wrong place.

Edited by Skagens
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there's nothing wrong with having a discussion,

least of all one on the 'off-topic'/'general topics' thread.

So, you've nothing to apologize for, and are in one of a plethora of places to discuss just such things.


Now, to the topic at hand;

Dark Souls 3.




Indeed, Dark Souls has been a fun game series, and I've enjoyed them moreso than Bloodborne,

though it's all an intriguing array of concepts.

the camouflage, traps, and level design, as well as the overall look, are what are addictive about the gameplay.

Dark Souls can be punishingly difficult -

I am the type of player who would take over 100hrs per game for a single playthrough.

I am not particularly 'effective' at Dark Souls, as compared to other games such as Arma 3, Fallouts, or RTS's etc.

I look at the 'speedrun' world record times, and I am in awe of the skill of some gamers out there.


I like seeing the lets plays, and that's something that's awesome about Dark Souls -

it's a game you can take turns playing with friends, and that you can have as a friday or weekend in.

It's a staple at LAN parties. A lot of folks play Dark Souls with 3 or more friends real world,

there is something of a party-game that has been made of Dark Souls also. hehe.


though, Dark Souls is partly a world I would want to see as a

persistent universe and open-world that you could explore, for end game.

and, they've delivered that with multiplayer options somewhat.

It's kinda like Fallout, or Star Citizen... they're worlds that it's easy to enter and explore.


though, I digress,

I hear that you'd like to discuss the fashion/outfits/attire for the new DLC in particular,

and that does sound intriguing - it has a particular visual aesthetic.

what about that did you find interesting?

textures? overall looks? layers?

what goes into an exegesis of what makes that quintessential "Dark Souls" look?


Perhaps, you've your own concepts for attire etc?

If you'd care to share those, it'd be fairly awesome.

As, who knows what kinds of mods in all kinds of other games such things could lead to.




Apologies to be verbose,

though, I trust the spoiler-barrier conforms with your fair request,

to prevent people who may want to play DS3:DLCs in the near future yet have not done so

from stumbling across information they may not wish to see... that is a tangent all it's own.


I look forward to seeing what other Dark Souls fans might have to discuss,

here, and potentially elsewhere, such as the Dark Souls fans forums etc.

though, it's always awesome to chat about such things hehe.

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