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Oldrim Mod To SE - Any Good Tutorials?


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There is a mod I have from Oldrim that I would like to use in my new SE game. However it has never been updated and does not look like it ever will be.


I would like to give it a try for my own personal use.


I have seen a couple of youtube vids but they were made very early after the release of SE and did not really go over what exactly needs to be done.


Does anyone know of a good tutorial that explains how you would take an Oldrim mod and convert it to SE standards. Any replies or links will be greatly appreciated.

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Depends on the mod. If the mod you have has SKSE as a requirement, it will not be able to be converted at this time. SKSE for SE is being worked on and has been for some time but the people behind it has yet to release any updates or release dates. A lot of mods also use MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) to allow the user to easily configure options for the mods if they are available. There are far too many little details to keep in mind but luckily Darkfox127 made a really great video covering the specifics.


Good luck!

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From what I've been able to convert for my own use so far (UFO, DCO, etc), you have to extract the BSA, load the ESP into the CK, and Create Archive. It should point to all the external dependencies, or you may have to hunt them down.

Extract them to a non-game folder, it's easier that way. Once the BSA has been re-created in the new formatting, it should work just fine.

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Thanks guys/gals (pick which applies).


Yeah I do not use the script extenders and usually just roll with vanilla mods. Typically the game comes out and there are so many DLC's and updates that I try to avoid the extender until the game is basically done by the developer. Then I look at the mods that I liked that needed the ext and see if I still need them. Usually I have so much playtime in the game that I can live without anything else so I never end up using it.


The mod I am trying to get to work is Detect Skills Spell for Oldrim on the nexus. This lets you cast a spell on any NPC and see the health, skill and resistances statistics. This works great if you use a "harder enemies" type mod and are looking for more of an RPG element to the game. A sneak toon can examine the enemy to determine the best course of attack, or to avoid the attack. I miss this aspect of the game and miss a mod that does this. On the steam workshop for Oldrim a mod called Empathy was outstanding too.

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From what I've been able to convert for my own use so far (UFO, DCO, etc), you have to extract the BSA, load the ESP into the CK, and Create Archive. It should point to all the external dependencies, or you may have to hunt them down.

Extract them to a non-game folder, it's easier that way. Once the BSA has been re-created in the new formatting, it should work just fine.

The creation kit Archive tool in the creation kit doesn't work. It will not create a BSA properly.

Do you mean the Archive tool in the Skyrim folder????

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I thought they were the same tool, just the ck calls upon the other one. What is it not doing for you? It's common (in oldrim at any rate) for the archive to miss some things, so you end up dragging and dropping files in. Some mod authors have suggested completely removing the autofill, and doing it all by hand, to avoid missing something. One glaring difference is that this will now create two archives, one for meshes and one for textures. So when you go to create archive and it brings up the save box (mesh first,) use the drop down to find your .esp and make sure you change the file to .bsa (made that mistake once...once) or it will overwrite. The next save is textures, which is the same file name as the meshes, but with " - Textures.bsa" instead. Using the tool from creation kit, the compression box should already be checked. If you use it from loose files, you will have to check that box manually.

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