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Skyrim Crashing at launcher...


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As soon as I launch the game, whether that be the launcher, SKSE, or the standard game off steam; It crashes. A screenshot of my Mod Organizer load order is shown below. Please help ASAP, thanks!


EDIT: I also tried installing Pouporri ENB, Morningstar Edition... I will show my skyrim directory in another screenshot below.

Edited by BluGaming
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Crashing right after the logo comes up is usually a sign of a mod conflict. Most likely one or more mods are calling out for a file (from a patch most likely) and not finding it will cause a ctd.


Lets start with the basics:

1. Do you use SKSE? If not, watch Gopher's installation and use video (linked from the page) and get it installed.

2. Do you use LOOT? If not, install it, point it to your skyrim's install path (read the FAQ) and let it organize your mod order. Then clean with TES5Edit where directed.

3. Review each mod's page carefully and make sure you've installed all required patch files.


Come back if this doesn't work for you and we'll try some more advanced troubleshooting.

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There's a master file missing if it crashes at launch. Use WyreBash and find out what mod is red and it will tell you what master file is missing. You probably installed a mod and a required mod wasn't installed.

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