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What is a texture mod?


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Bad texture mods do what you say and upscale followed by sharpen. Good texture mods follow that with extensive editing of the textures, using filters, hand-painted elements, and such. Great texture mods simply discard the original texture and are completely redone from scratch using stock material and/or hand-painting.
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yeah yeah, and great textures, technically have to be done to a high degree as well. a little while age I saw one texture mod that otherwise looked good, so I DLed it, and it would have been very good, but the normal maps however, which would have been half decent and passable, were made by overlaying several layers together...but in a bit of a noob way. washing out the B channel completely and the maps not being normalised. Which drops the quality of the mod several degrees for something so unbelievable easy to do correctly, it annoyed me a lot when I inspected it. And I think the blend maps might have been a bit fruity.


All would be correctable by someone who know what they are doing in a very short time given the source psds.


I wish these guys would actually ask in the forums for critique because in about 10mins their work could actually be upgraded and be usable by us mod snobs :laugh:

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