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scripted arrows, ice picks, and ice spears


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all of you might have noticed people running around with arrows, ice picks true there heads,

now how cool it might seem, its physically impossible.


this could be solved by making a script that "one hit killed" everything that gets hit in the head making the game so hard or so lame that it will be impossible to play




you could make a script when the ck comes out


a simple realism tweak/script

that when a arrow, ice shard hits to the head it will NOT stick true the head but simply make a scratch shot so the arrow and ice pick will vanish on hit but still deliver damage and visual ice/blood

and that ONLY the killing blow will leave a head shot effect with a arrow or ice pick


arrows and ice to the rest of the body (besides the troth) will simply stay the way they are (for epicness)


this should also be for the player,


if somebody could possible make this i would be most grateful,


your sin seared, a game realism fan

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I like the first idea. The game is still too easy for my tastes even with every realism/AI/damage/difficulty mod that is currently available on the internet. But i think it should be imroved with other weapons as well, like hammers, maces, axes, etc. and even tigers, bears and dragons that hit/bite or scratch straight through the face while wearing no, or light armor helmets. Only hammers, maces, and arrows should kill instantly if you get hit in the head while wearing a heavy armor helmet. Edited by answerme
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you seem to misunderstand, that is exactly what i DONT want

instant head shots would be lame, its done so many times,


what i would want is "scripted" projectiles, so that when they hit the head or neck they do not "stick" true the head but simply vanish, so that people will never have arows or ice picks in there head while fighting,

but that a arrow or ice pick will only stick to a head or neck when it is the kill hit


basic means this should NOT change damage, and does NOT make head shots lethal but just makes projectiles to the head and neck "invisible" exept if its the final hit that kills the oponent


why not instant headshot kills? well first of all this is not killzone, second of all, i run the mod "wars of skyrim" and play on a very hard mode,

i cant take 2 steps witouth being hit to the head by "something" so making a mod like that would make me hit a hole in my laptop after dying 10 times in 2 second

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