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Does anyone know how to make a texture armor High Res?


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You're going to have to change the texture to make the texture high res. Basically, what you have to do is replace the vanilla, low res texture with content that is of a higher res. There's no way around that. Find that tutorial again, and get to doing what it tells you to do. All you have to do to make sure that the texture is high res is to increase the resolution of the canvas, which is 512x512 for vanilla textures; up this to 1024x1024 and/or 2048x2048 for your high res version. Then use/make appropriately high res textures for these files.
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2 ways:

Either you just enlarge the vanilla texture, and use it as a base to paint an entirely new one. More time consuming, but can give you better results depending on how good you are at painting with photoshop. Having some high resolution pictures of various materials helps.


Or, which most of the "high resolution texture" mods I have seen seem to do, just enlarge the vanilla texture and then use photoshop to "sharpen" the picture. Doesnt take much time, but the result will never be as good as what Bethesdas staff originally had. Just google "sharpen images photoshop" for a tutorial, or just use this one for example: http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-editing/sharpen-high-pass/

Edited by amycus
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  • 7 years later...

What I discovered is to make HD versions of the textures you have to re-make the texture from the 256x256 size to perhaps 2048x2048 size. The UV mapping of the 3D model usually fit this new bigger texture onto the existing mesh. You have to do re-do the Normal maps as well.

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You can't pimp a low resolution texture to a high one. No way. If you increase the resolution, pixels will be added that not exist in reality and this will always result in bad quality.

You can use vanilla dds files as a base and alter the resolution to have the size you want to work with. But you need to paint your own high resolution texture over it.

You need to redo the normal maps. I use the free software Materialize. You have to create height maps from your texture to do the normal maps. But it's easy to do and the results are astonishing - even for low resolution textures.

Edited by Tasheni
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