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Nuka cola refrigerator


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Mod idea nuka cola refrigerator. It will refrigerate your nuka colas after a certain amount of time. This would be pretty easy for me to make I would think. Would have to make it require power obviously and may make it take a day in game to freeze the nuka cola.
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neat, will it be like those FO3 style fridge, a bar-fridge (with clear door),

a scrap-made 'cooler" vat?

a Nuka-Gal shaped "mannequin" nuka cola refill station? she pours the nuka cola out from the raygun, from the soda-fountains pre2077.

A promotional freezer shaped like a Nuka Cola Bottle, that lights up like a neon-sign?!




Nuka-ception! though, when you take an interval-counter's worth of nuka colas,

several things can happen - a loud alarm
"Warning!, theft is in progress. Return the Nuka at once, do not consume this delicious, ill-gotten beverage!"


"Congratulations! You have won a free Nuka Cola! Simply, mail proof of purchase and this ticket to Nuka HQ, and within 4-6 working weeks, your Nuka Cola redemption token will be on it's way to you! Way to go, chum!" "Terms and Conditions definitely apply, void where applicable, your results will vary."


A coffin-freezer that has a promotional Mr Handy in it, so its a "nuka-in-a-box"... only, the Mr Handy is stuck in dower personality mode...

"H-h here's y-your nu-nuka c-cola. H-have a nu-nu-nuka day."

"This is abuse to appliances; I'm f-freezing my circuits off in here".




there are a few mods which already presently exist,

which add the nuka-cola vending machine (FO3/FONV style and FO4 style),

replete with nuka-cola holo-animation and audio too.

there's also multiple drinking-buddy and bottle bots with Robot Home Defense that let you chill beverages that way.


that's not to say, folks wouldn't appreciate more options for stuff hehe.




there's some that add Securitron style Bottle and Cappy animations too, which change while you're at the machine...

(a few folks thought it'd be fun to play with "the machine ate my money",

and take a note from Dark Souls... and, well, have a Vending Machine randomly attack you)

or, the vending machine is a holo-decoy, and you're standing on a trap.



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