Overlord69 Posted April 1, 2017 Share Posted April 1, 2017 Hey everyone, I'm pretty new to modding and I want to test out a modified script from Familiar Faces to address the issues that several users are having but I'm having a problem compiling it. I am using CompilerPlus as the primary tool and whenever I compile it, I originally got 386 errors and it did not complete the process. Turns out that I pointed the program to the wrong directory and now I get 46 errors. Can anyone please help me out with these errors, I do have the scripts available but it's still not working. Thanks :smile: [ vmyc_metaquestscript.psc ]Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "vmyc_metaquestscript"...No output generated for E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.psc, compilation failed.Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.psc--- ERRORS ---Scripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(986,4): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(986,12): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(989,13): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(989,21): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(994,12): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(994,20): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1000,13): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1000,21): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1005,12): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1005,20): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1069,20): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1069,2 :cool:: none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1073,16): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1073,24): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(1366,1): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(1366,9): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2826,4): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2826,12): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2827,3): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2827,11): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2829,3): variable CharGen is undefinedScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2829,11): none is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(474,9): cannot name a variable or property the same as a known type or scriptScripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(475,6): waiting is not a variableScripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(475,14): cannot compare a waiting to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)Scripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(479,10): waiting is not a variableScripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(479,1 :cool:: cannot compare a waiting to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)Scripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(483,10): waiting is not a variableScripts\Source\XFLMenuScript.psc(483,1 :cool:: cannot compare a waiting to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)Scripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(59,21): cannot convert to unknown type xflpanelScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(59,21): cannot cast a ski_widgetbase to a xflpanel, types are incompatibleScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(59,34): xflpanel is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(61,21): cannot convert to unknown type xflpanelScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(61,21): cannot cast a ski_widgetbase to a xflpanel, types are incompatibleScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(61,34): xflpanel is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(77,64): cannot convert to unknown type effcoreScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(77,64): cannot cast a form to a effcore, types are incompatibleScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(77,10): unknown type effcoreScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(85,21): cannot convert to unknown type effpanelScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(85,21): cannot cast a ski_widgetbase to a effpanel, types are incompatibleScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(85,55): effcore is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(85,34): effpanel is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(87,21): cannot convert to unknown type effpanelScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(87,21): cannot cast a ski_widgetbase to a effpanel, types are incompatibleScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(87,52): effcore is not a known user-defined typeScripts\Source\vmyc_compateff.psc(87,34): effpanel is not a known user-defined typeTime: 1.6690045 secondsInput: E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.pscOutput: E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\Output\vmyc_metaquestscript.pexFinished with 46 errors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted April 2, 2017 Share Posted April 2, 2017 You probably need access to some more source scripts either from the mod that you are working with or from a mod that it required. But that is just a guess. Without seeing the script in question, the compiler errors really don't help much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 2, 2017 Author Share Posted April 2, 2017 Thanks for the reply, am I allowed to attach the modified script here? I'm sorry I am not familiar with protocols regarding attaching modified components from mods. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted April 2, 2017 Share Posted April 2, 2017 If you've gotten permission from the mod author to work on fixes for their mod and you need help with something, there should be no issue with posting the necessary information in order to receive the help that you need. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 3, 2017 Author Share Posted April 3, 2017 Oh this is for my personal use for now, I will not be posting it on his page until I hear from him. Here is what I have written underneath the spoilers. Really appreciate your help :) Scriptname vMYC_MetaQuestScript extends Quest{Do initialization and track variables for scripts};--=== Imports ===--Import UtilityImport GameImport vMYC_Config;--=== Properties ===--Actor Property PlayerRef AutoBool Property Ready = False AutoFloat Property ModVersion Auto HiddenInt Property ModVersionInt Auto HiddenInt Property ModVersionMajor Auto HiddenInt Property ModVersionMinor Auto HiddenInt Property ModVersionPatch Auto HiddenString Property ModName = "Familiar Faces" Auto HiddenMessage Property vMYC_ModLoadedMSG AutoMessage Property vMYC_ModUpdatedMSG AutoMessage Property vMYC_ModShutdownMSG AutovMYC_CharacterManagerScript Property CharacterManager AutovMYC_ShrineOfHeroesQuestScript Property ShrineOfHeroes AutovMYC_HangoutManager Property HangoutManager Auto;--=== Config variables ===--GlobalVariable Property vMYC_CFG_Changed AutoGlobalVariable Property vMYC_CFG_Shutdown AutoGlobalVariable Property vMYC_WaitForMQ Auto;--=== Variables ===--Float _CurrentVersionInt _iCurrentVersionString _sCurrentVersionBool _ShowedSKSEWarning = FalseBool _ShowedJContainersWarning = FalseBool _RunningBool _bVersionSystemUpdated = FalseBool _bShowedCompatibilityErrorSkyRE = FalseBool _bShowedCompatibilityErrorEFF = FalseBool _bShowedCompatibilityErrorAFT = FalseBool _bPlacedPortalStone = FalseFloat _ScriptLatencyFloat _StartTimeFloat _EndTimeInt _iUpkeepsExpectedInt _iUpkeepsCompleted;--=== Events ===--Event OnInit() If IsRunning() && ModVersion == 0 && !ModVersionMajor DoUpkeep(True) EndIfEndEventEvent OnReset() ;Debug.Trace("MYC: Metaquest event: OnReset")EndEventEvent OnUpdate()EndEventEvent OnGameReloaded() Debug.Trace("MYC: Metaquest event: OnGameReloaded") ;If vMYC_CFG_Shutdown.GetValue() != 0 DoUpkeep(False) ;EndIfEndEventEvent OnUpkeepState(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender) If eventName == "vMYC_UpkeepBegin" _iUpkeepsExpected += 1 ElseIf eventName == "vMYC_UpkeepEnd" _iUpkeepsCompleted += 1 ;Debug.Trace("MYC: Metaquest Upkeep finished for " + sender + ". (" + _iUpkeepsCompleted + "/" + _iUpkeepsExpected + ")") EndIfEndEventEvent OnShutdown(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender) Debug.Trace("MYC: OnShutdown!") Wait(0.1) DoShutdown()EndEvent;--=== Functions ===--Function DoUpkeep(Bool DelayedStart = True) _iUpkeepsExpected = 0 _iUpkeepsCompleted = 0 ;FIXME: CHANGE THIS WHEN UPDATING! ModVersionMajor = 1 ModVersionMinor = 1 ModVersionPatch = 5 _iCurrentVersion = GetVersionInt(ModVersionMajor,ModVersionMinor,ModVersionPatch) _sCurrentVersion = GetVersionString(_iCurrentVersion) String sModVersion = GetVersionString(ModVersion as Int) RegisterForModEvent("vMYC_InitBegin","OnInitState") RegisterForModEvent("vMYC_InitEnd","OnInitState") RegisterForModEvent("vMYC_UpkeepBegin","OnUpkeepState") RegisterForModEvent("vMYC_UpkeepEnd","OnUpkeepState") RegisterForModEvent("vMYC_Shutdown","OnShutdown") Ready = False If DelayedStart Wait(RandomFloat(3,5)) EndIf Quest MQ101 = Quest.GetQuest("MQ101") While vMYC_WaitForMQ.GetValue() > 0 && MQ101.IsRunning() && MQ101.GetCurrentStageID() < 900 WaitMenuMode(10) EndWhile If !CheckDependencies() DoShutdown() Return EndIf SyncConfig() String sErrorMessage SendModEvent("vMYC_UpkeepBegin") Debug.Trace("MYC: " + ModName) Debug.Trace("MYC: Performing upkeep...") Debug.Trace("MYC: Loaded version is " + sModVersion + ", Current version is " + _sCurrentVersion) If ModVersion == 0 Debug.Trace("MYC: Newly installed, doing initialization...") DoInit() If ModVersion == _iCurrentVersion Debug.Trace("MYC: Initialization succeeded.") Else Debug.Trace("MYC: WARNING! Initialization had a problem!") EndIf ElseIf ModVersion < _iCurrentVersion Debug.Trace("MYC: Installed version is older. Starting the upgrade...") DoUpgrade() ; this should also fire DoUpkeep If ModVersion != _iCurrentVersion Debug.Trace("MYC: WARNING! Upgrade failed!") Debug.MessageBox("WARNING! " + ModName + " upgrade failed for some reason. You should report this to the mod author.") EndIf Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgraded to " + GetVersionString(_iCurrentVersion)) vMYC_ModUpdatedMSG.Show(ModVersionMajor,ModVersionMinor,ModVersionPatch) Else ;FIXME: Do init stuff in other quests CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep() HangoutManager.DoUpkeep() Debug.Trace("MYC: Loaded, no updates.") ;CheckForOrphans() EndIf CheckForExtras() CheckCompatibilityModules() UpdateConfig() ;Make absolutely sure the portal stone quest is running! Quest vMYC_PortalStoneQuest = Quest.GetQuest("vMYC_PortalStoneQuest") vMYC_PortalStoneQuest.Stop() vMYC_PortalStoneQuest.Start() Debug.Trace("MYC: Upkeep complete!") Ready = True ;HangoutManager.AssignActorToHangout(CharacterManager.GetCharacterActorByName("Kmiru"),"Blackreach") SendModEvent("vMYC_UpkeepEnd")EndFunctionFunction DoInit() Debug.Trace("MYC: Initializing...") ;FIXME: Do init stuff! If !(CharacterManager as Quest).IsRunning() (CharacterManager as Quest).Start() WaitMenuMode(0.5) CharacterManager.DoInit() EndIf InitConfig() If !GetConfigBool("DefaultsSet") SetConfigDefaults() EndIf If !(ShrineOfHeroes as Quest).IsRunning() WaitMenuMode(0.5) (ShrineOfHeroes as Quest).Start() ;CharacterManager.DoInit() EndIf If !(HangoutManager as Quest).IsRunning() (HangoutManager as Quest).Start() WaitMenuMode(0.5) HangoutManager.DoInit() EndIf ;Wait(3) ;CharacterManager.SaveCurrentPlayer() ;Int i = 0 ;While i < CharacterManager.CharacterNames.Length ;If CharacterManager.CharacterNames ;CharacterManager.LoadCharacter(CharacterManager.CharacterNames) ;EndIf ;i += 1 ;EndWhile _Running = True ModVersion = _iCurrentVersion vMYC_ModLoadedMSG.Show(ModVersionMajor,ModVersionMinor,ModVersionPatch)EndFunctionFunction DoUpgrade() _Running = False ;version-specific upgrade code If ModVersion < 90 Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nHEY! You REALLY need to start from a clean save! Upgrading from the beta to this version is NOT SUPPORTED!\nHit ~ and type qqq in the console to quit now!") Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nI'm serious, there is so much stuff that's going to be broken if you keep going, and any bug reports you submit will be useless. PLEASE quit the game ASAP, do a clean install of FF, and try it again from scratch!") EndIf If ModVersion < 104 Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrading to " + ((_iCurrentVersion as Float) / 100.0) + "...") CharacterManager.SerializationVersion = 3 CharacterManager.RepairSaves() CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep() ModVersion = 104 Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrade to " + ((_iCurrentVersion as Float) / 100.0) + " complete!") EndIf If ModVersion < 106 Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrading to 1.0.6...") Debug.Trace("MYC: Initialize new config storage...") InitConfig() SetConfigDefaults() CharacterManager.RepairSaves() CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() Debug.Trace("MYC: Shutting down Shrine of Heroes...") ShrineOfHeroes.Stop() While ShrineOfHeroes.IsRunning() Wait(0.5) ShrineOfHeroes.Stop() Debug.Trace("MYC: Waiting for Shrine to shut down...") EndWhile Debug.Trace("MYC: Restarting Shrine of Heroes...") ShrineOfHeroes.Start() Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrade to " + ((_iCurrentVersion as Float) / 100.0) + " complete!") ModVersion = GetVersionInt(1,0,6) EndIf If ModVersion < GetVersionInt(1,1,0) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Upgrading to 1.1.0...") Debug.Notification("Familiar Faces: Upgrading 1.0.x to 1.1.x, this may take a while!") Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Updating save data...") CharacterManager.RepairSaves() Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Doing CharacterManager upkeep without deferral, this may take a while...") CharacterManager.DoUpkeep(False) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Doing Shrine of Heroes upkeep without deferral, this may take a while...") ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep(False) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Starting up HangoutManager...") HangoutManager.Stop() HangoutManager.Start() HangoutManager.DoInit() HangoutManager.ImportOldHangouts() Wait(2) ;HangoutManager.AssignActorToHangout(CharacterManager.GetCharacterActorByName("Kmiru"),"Blackreach") Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.0: Upgrade to 1.1.0 complete!") ModVersion = GetVersionInt(1,1,0) EndIf If ModVersion < GetVersionInt(1,1,1) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.1: Upgrading to 1.1.1...") Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.1: Restarting compatibility quests...") CheckCompatibilityModules(abReset = True) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.1: Upgrade to 1.1.1 complete!") ModVersion = GetVersionInt(1,1,1) EndIf If ModVersion < GetVersionInt(1,1,2) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.2: Upgrading to 1.1.2...") CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep() Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.2: Upgrade to 1.1.2 complete!") ModVersion = GetVersionInt(1,1,2) EndIf If ModVersion < GetVersionInt(1,1,4) Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.4: Upgrading to 1.1.4...") Quest vMYC_PortalStoneQuest = Quest.GetQuest("vMYC_PortalStoneQuest") vMYC_PortalStoneQuest.Stop() vMYC_PortalStoneQuest.Start() CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep() Debug.Trace("MYC/Upgrade/1.1.4: Upgrade to 1.1.4 complete!") ModVersion = GetVersionInt(1,1,4) EndIf ;Generic upgrade code If ModVersion < _iCurrentVersion Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrading to " + GetVersionString(_iCurrentVersion) + "...") ;FIXME: Do upgrade stuff! CharacterManager.RepairSaves() CharacterManager.DoUpkeep() ShrineOfHeroes.DoUpkeep() ModVersion = _iCurrentVersion Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrade to " + GetVersionString(_iCurrentVersion) + " complete!") EndIf _Running = True Debug.Trace("MYC: Upgrade complete!")EndFunctionFunction CheckCompatibilityModules(Bool abReset = False) If !CheckCompatibilityModule_EFF(abReset) Debug.Trace("MYC: Compatibility module check for EFF failed!",1) If !GetConfigBool("Compat_EFF_ShowedError") SetConfigBool("Compat_EFF_ShowedError",True) Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nThere was an error with the EFF compatibility module. Check the Papyrus log for more details.") EndIf Else SetConfigBool("Compat_EFF_ShowedError",False) EndIf If !CheckCompatibilityModule_AFT(abReset) Debug.Trace("MYC: Compatibility module check for AFT failed!",1) If !GetConfigBool("Compat_AFT_ShowedError") SetConfigBool("Compat_AFT_ShowedError",True) Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nThere was an error with the AFT compatibility module. Check the Papyrus log for more details.") EndIf Else SetConfigBool("Compat_AFT_ShowedError",False) EndIf If !CheckCompatibilityModule_SkyRE(abReset) Debug.Trace("MYC: Compatibility module check for SkyRE failed!",1) If !GetConfigBool("Compat_SkyRE_ShowedError") SetConfigBool("Compat_SkyRE_ShowedError",True) Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nThere was an error with the SkyRE compatibility module. Check the Papyrus log for more details.") EndIf Else SetConfigBool("Compat_SkyRE_ShowedError",False) EndIfEndFunctionBool Function CheckCompatibilityModule_EFF(Bool abReset = False) Quest vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest = GetFormFromFile(0x0201eaf2,"vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp") as Quest If !vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest Debug.Trace("MYC: Couldn't retrieve vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest!",1) Return False EndIf If abReset Debug.Trace("MYC: Forcing reset of vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest!",1) vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.Stop() EndIf Debug.Trace("MYC: Checking whether EFF compatibility is needed...") If GetModByName("EFFCore.esm") != 255 || (GetModByName("XFLMain.esm") != 255 && GetModByName("XFLPanel.esp") != 255) Debug.Trace("MYC: EFF found!") SetConfigInt("Compat_EFF_Loaded",1) If !vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.IsRunning() vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.Start() Debug.Trace("MYC: Started EFF compatibility module!") If vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: EFF compatibility module is already running.") Return True EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: EFF not found.") SetConfigInt("Compat_EFF_Loaded",0) If vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.IsRunning() (vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest as vMYC_CompatEFF).DoShutdown() vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.Stop() Debug.Trace("MYC: Stopped EFF compatibility module!") If !vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf EndIf EndIf Return TrueEndFunctionBool Function CheckCompatibilityModule_AFT(Bool abReset = False) Quest vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest = GetFormFromFile(0x02023c40,"vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp") as Quest If !vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest Debug.Trace("MYC: Couldn't retrieve vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest!",1) Return False EndIf If abReset Debug.Trace("MYC: Forcing reset of vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest!",1) vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.Stop() EndIf Debug.Trace("MYC: Checking whether AFT compatibility is needed...") If GetModByName("AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp") != 255 Debug.Trace("MYC: AFT found!") SetConfigInt("Compat_AFT_Loaded",1) If !vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.IsRunning() vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.Start() Debug.Trace("MYC: Started AFT compatibility module!") If vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: AFT compatibility module is already running.") Return True EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: AFT not found.") SetConfigInt("Compat_AFT_Loaded",0) If vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.IsRunning() (vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest as vMYC_CompatAFT).DoShutdown() vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.Stop() Debug.Trace("MYC: Stopped AFT compatibility module!") If !vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf EndIf EndIf Return TrueEndFunctionBool Function CheckCompatibilityModule_SkyRE(Bool abReset = False) Quest vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest = GetFormFromFile(0x02025740,"vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp") as Quest If !vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest Debug.Trace("MYC: Couldn't retrieve vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest!",1) Return False EndIf If abReset Debug.Trace("MYC: Forcing reset of vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest!",1) vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.Stop() EndIf Debug.Trace("MYC: Checking whether SkyRE compatibility is needed...") If GetModByName("SkyRe_Main.esp") != 255 Debug.Trace("MYC: SkyRE found!") SetConfigInt("Compat_SkyRE_Loaded",1) If !vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.IsRunning() vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.Start() Debug.Trace("MYC: Started SkyRE compatibility module!") If vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: SkyRE compatibility module is already running.") Return True EndIf Else Debug.Trace("MYC: SkyRE not found.") SetConfigInt("Compat_SkyRE_Loaded",0) If vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.IsRunning() (vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest as vMYC_CompatSkyRE).DoShutdown() vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.Stop() Debug.Trace("MYC: Stopped SkyRE compatibility module!") If !vMYC_zCompat_SkyREQuest.IsRunning() Return True Else Return False EndIf EndIf EndIf Return TrueEndFunctionFunction DoShutdown() Ready = False Debug.Trace("MYC: Shutting down and preparing for removal...") _iCurrentVersion = 0 ModVersion = 0 Quest vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest = GetFormFromFile(0x02023c40,"vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp") as Quest Quest vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest = GetFormFromFile(0x0201eaf2,"vMYC_MeetYourCharacters.esp") as Quest (vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest as vMYC_CompatAFT).DoShutdown() vMYC_zCompat_AFTQuest.Stop() (vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest as vMYC_CompatEFF).DoShutdown() vMYC_zCompat_EFFQuest.Stop() If HangoutManager.IsRunning() HangoutManager.DoShutdown() HangoutManager.Stop() EndIf If ShrineOfHeroes.IsRunning() ShrineOfHeroes.DoShutdown() ShrineOfHeroes.Stop() EndIf If CharacterManager.IsRunning() CharacterManager.DoShutdown() CharacterMAnager.Stop() EndIf vMYC_ModShutdownMSG.Show() Debug.Trace("MYC: Data cleared, ready for removal!") Debug.Notification("Familiar Faces\nData has been cleared. You should now save and exit, then uninstall the mod before re-launching the game.") _Running = False Ready = TrueEndFunctionFunction SetConfigDefaults(Bool abForce = False) If !GetConfigBool("DefaultsSet") || abForce Debug.Trace("MYC: Setting config defaults!") SetConfigInt("MAGIC_ALLOWFROMMODS",0,False,False) SetConfigInt("MAGIC_OVERRIDES",2,False,False) SetConfigBool("DEBUG_SHRINE_DISABLE_BG_VALIDATION",False,False,False) SetConfigBool("TRACKBYDEFAULT",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("TRACK_STOPONRECRUIT",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("AUTOLEVEL_CHARACTERS",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("WARNING_MISSINGMOD",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("DELETE_MISSING",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("SHOUTS_DISABLE_CITIES",True,False,False) SetConfigBool("DefaultsSet",True) EndIfEndFunctionBool Function CheckDependencies() Float fSKSE = SKSE.GetVersion() + SKSE.GetVersionMinor() * 0.01 + SKSE.GetVersionBeta() * 0.0001 Debug.Trace("MYC: SKSE is version " + fSKSE) Debug.Trace("MYC: JContainers is version " + SKSE.GetPluginVersion("Jcontainers") + ", API is " + JContainers.APIVersion()) Debug.Trace("MYC: FFutils is version " + SKSE.GetPluginVersion("ffutils")) Debug.Trace("MYC: CharGen is version " + SKSE.GetPluginVersion("chargen")) Debug.Trace("MYC: NIOverride is version " + SKSE.GetPluginVersion("nioverride")) ;Debug.MessageBox("SKSE version is " + fSKSE) If fSKSE < 1.0701 Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nSKSE is missing or not installed correctly. This mod requires SKSE 1.7.1 or higher, but the current version is " + fSKSE + ".\nThe mod will now shut down.") Return False Else ;Proceed EndIf If SKSE.GetPluginVersion("chargen") < 3 Debug.MessageBox("Familiar Faces\nThe SKSE plugin CharGen is missing or not installed correctly. This mod requires RaceMenu 2.9.1 or higher.\nThe mod will now shut down.") Return False Else ;Proceed EndIf If SKSE.GetPluginVersion("nioverride") >= 3 && NIOverride.GetScriptVersion() > 1 SetConfigBool("NIO_UseDye",True) Else SetConfigBool("NIO_UseDye",False) EndIf Return TrueEndFunctionFunction UpdateConfig() Debug.Trace("MYC: Updating configuration...") Debug.Trace("MYC: Updated configuration values, some scripts may update in the background!")EndFunctionInt Function GetVersionInt(Int iMajor, Int iMinor, Int iPatch) Return Math.LeftShift(iMajor,16) + Math.LeftShift(iMinor, :cool: + iPatchEndFunctionString Function GetVersionString(Int iVersion) Int iMajor = Math.RightShift(iVersion,16) Int iMinor = Math.LogicalAnd(Math.RightShift(iVersion, :cool:,0xff) Int iPatch = Math.LogicalAnd(iVersion,0xff) String sMajorZero String sMinorZero String sPatchZero If !iMajor sMajorZero = "0" EndIf If !iMinor sMinorZero = "0" EndIf ;If !iPatch ;sPatchZero = "0" ;EndIf ;Debug.Trace("MYC: Got version " + iVersion + ", returning " + sMajorZero + iMajor + "." + sMinorZero + iMinor + "." + sPatchZero + iPatch) Return sMajorZero + iMajor + "." + sMinorZero + iMinor + "." + sPatchZero + iPatchEndFunctionFunction CheckForExtras() If GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm") != 255 Debug.Trace("MYC: Dawnguard is installed!") EndIf If GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm") != 255 Debug.Trace("MYC: Dragonborn is installed!") EndIfEndFunction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted April 3, 2017 Share Posted April 3, 2017 You are compiling a script called vMYC_MetaQuestScript and the errors indicate that the compiler is having problems with functions/variables on other scripts referenced by the script being compiled or referenced by a script referenced by the script being compiled, etc. You will have to check each of those listed scripts. It could be that you have the wrong version of said scripts installed. It could be that you still need additional scripts loaded for those scripts to be read appropriately by the compiler. You may need to extract source scripts from mod BSA archives in order to compile the script that you are working with. I really cannot say as I cannot tell with the limited information here how all these scripts are connected. Unfortunately, there is no easy fix for this scenario. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 3, 2017 Author Share Posted April 3, 2017 Thanks for your help IsharaMeradin, I'm actually going off of someones notes on this script revision that were made about nine months ago and he managed to compile it but left out what needed to be done and he's gone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 4, 2017 Author Share Posted April 4, 2017 I have managed to get the errors down to 12...almost there :smile:. This is what's left and the information pertaining to these scripts, turns out that the other7 errors pertaining to the xflmenuscript was because of the outdated version. [ vmyc_metaquestscript.psc ]Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "vmyc_metaquestscript"...No output generated for E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.psc, compilation failed.Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.psc--- ERRORS ---Scripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(986,12): IsExternalEnabled is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(986,12): cannot call the member function IsExternalEnabled alone or on a type, must call it on a variableScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(994,20): LoadExternalCharacter is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(994,20): cannot call the member function LoadExternalCharacter alone or on a type, must call it on a variableScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1000,21): LoadExternalCharacter is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc(1000,21): cannot call the member function LoadExternalCharacter alone or on a type, must call it on a variableScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(1366,9): DeleteCharacter is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(1366,9): cannot call the member function DeleteCharacter alone or on a type, must call it on a variableScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2826,12): IsExternalEnabled is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2826,12): cannot call the member function IsExternalEnabled alone or on a type, must call it on a variableScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2827,11): SaveExternalCharacter is not a function or does not existScripts\Source\vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc(2827,11): cannot call the member function SaveExternalCharacter alone or on a type, must call it on a variableTime: 1.5757732 secondsInput: E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\vmyc_metaquestscript.pscOutput: E:\Game Documents\Modding\Skyrim\Output\vmyc_metaquestscript.pexFinished with 12 errors Information from the specific lines of vmyc_characterdummyactorscript.psc If CharGen.IsExternalEnabled() If !_bExternalHeadExists Debug.Trace("MYC/Actor/" + CharacterName + ": Warning, IsExternalEnabled is true but no head NIF exists, will use LoadCharacter instead!",1) bResult = CharGen.LoadCharacter(akActor,akRace,asCharacterName) GotoState("") Return bResult EndIf Debug.Trace("MYC/Actor/" + CharacterName + ": IsExternalEnabled is true, using LoadExternalCharacter...") bResult = CharGen.LoadExternalCharacter(akActor,akRace,asCharacterName) GotoState("") Return bResult Else If _bExternalHeadExists Debug.Trace("MYC/Actor/" + CharacterName + ": Warning, external head NIF exists but IsExternalEnabled is false, using LoadExternalCharacter instead...",1) bResult = CharGen.LoadExternalCharacter(akActor,akRace,asCharacterName) Information from the specific lines of vmyc_charactermanagerscript.psc CharGen.DeleteCharacter(asCharacterName)If CharGen.IsExternalEnabled() || bUseExternal CharGen.SaveExternalCharacter(sPlayerName) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted April 4, 2017 Share Posted April 4, 2017 CharGen reads like it is a variable reference to a script that is supposed to contain these functions that cannot be found. This probably means that you still have at least one more source script to locate and include in your source folder. What that script is and what mod it may be a part of, I have no idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overlord69 Posted April 4, 2017 Author Share Posted April 4, 2017 Thanks for your input IsharaMeradin, I'll continue the search for CharGen related scripts as I only have the main script. If anyone else is familiar with these variables, I would appreciate it if you can tell me which script it comes from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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