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My House[Warning:Lots of images]


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Hi, I'd just like to post/brag here about my Hjerim mod(Which is mainly just a personal mod because I wanted more space). So far, I've converted the kitchen to a pantry, fixed the dining room, converted the secret room to a smithing room, and built uh... you'll see(It's not a proper part of the mod though :P).


(I'll put all images in spoiler tags as they're very very large image files)



Uh, yeah, only name for it I can think of right now is "Display-room", but you can probably think of a cooler name ;) Btw, I tested it. You can stand up in it. In fact, it's about twice my character's height, xD.

I need to go to a lot more dungeons...




The stairs down to the "display-room"




Probably going to convert the "display-room" to a proper basement eventually. Likely going to wait for the CK to come out though because it'll take ages to build a basement the same size as that house...




The old kitchen's been converted to a pantry. Need to do some work on adding more storage containers and items to this area.










Next door to the pantry(I built a new room), I built a firepit which functions as a new kitchen. I personally think it works well and is a much needed change to the closed fireplace that was in the old kitchen.








The dining room was more like a storage room/lounge than a dining room before so I took out the storage, and all unnecessary tables/chairs. It's now a proper dining room, though I'll probably add another table at some point. When the CK comes out, I'm hoping to add some guests, cooks, and waiters so that the dining room functions like a proper nobleman's dining room.





(There's a fireplace at the side behind me in the screenshot above that you can't see. I also added a door for the converted secretroom-smithy. I forgot to get a screenie of the fireplace, sorry)







I had a few more pictures of everything but there's a limit on images.




E: Wtf, the formatting just majorly glitched out. Gonna call an admin. o.O

E2: Realised it wasn't too hard to fix the formatting manually. So fixed... hopefully. About to click the 'Submit' button. Not gonna edit again just incase, so wish me luck. I'm going to bed after posting so won't cheer at the fixed post until tomorrow :P

Edited by Garagorn888
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did that work, as u prob didn`t load up the pics right???


That link works. I also just fixed my first post's formatting, mostly. For some reason it's combined all my spoilers into one, but that's a small sacrifice to make for a fairly functional post...


(Actually, here's the part that seems to have glitched out:





This is the converted secret room. I converted it to a smithing room. There are some storage chests off-screen which I had a screenshot of but I was one past the image limit. I might take out the alchemy table and build an apothecary room in the basement eventually, but it'll take me ages to build the basement. The house itself is a lot bigger than Proudspire, which I didn't actually realise before...






Edited by Garagorn888
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Lookin' good dude! I think it's a great idea to have some chefs and stuff serving you dinner or something. If you're planning to make this into a mod, I'd be happy to help with the voice acting of one of the chefs/waiters!
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How exactly does one make an interior cell like this when there is no CK yet? I've seen a couple of mods with custom interiors so far - is there a tool or something?


I used the console commands to edit Hjerim. Check this thread:



I have no idea how people make NEW interior cells, as I've only worked out how to edit existing cells like Hjerim. I suggest you speak to Shawkab ;)





Anyway, I'm gonna do some more edits of Hjerim today and probably start work on the basement(The display-case was only temporary, though it might make an appearance again if I get bored of spawning a hundred and something walls).

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I appreciate the work as a proof of concept, but I'd save your energy 'till the C.K. comes out. it's so hard to make things attractive (which I guess is the purpose of your mod) without it. I personally much prefer Hjerim to proudspire as I find the latter too cluttered tough this might be as my version of Hjerim is bugged and the alchemy and enchanting stations never appeared. Through It occurred to me that the houses are themed to various character builds, Hjerim for warriors (lots of equipment display), Honeyside for alchemists ect. Personally I'd like to add a second floor to Vlindrel, or maybe even a trap filled dwemer danger room. Roll on Tuesday..
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