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Performance Issue


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I have a new rig running Win 7. It has an i7-6700k CPU @ 4.0 GHz, 32GB of Ram and an NVIDIA Geforce GTX-1070 video card. I have ENB (no graphics), Crash Fixes, and a few other bug/patches mods with FPS limited to 59fps.


Whenever I am outdoors and near running water, river/waterfall/rain/heavy snow I stutter really bad (fps down to the 20-30's). This is on Med-high settings. What do I need to do to iron this out? SSE does not have this problem so I figure it is something I am missing since I followed a You Tube video (Gamer Poets) when setting it up. My faulty memory is telling me there is/was a mod to smooth out the effects of the water and I did not have this issue with my older rig which was far less than this one.



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turn off HT, I have the same issue on both my i7 4790k and my i7 6800k.



For some reason the game physics HATE hyper threading it killed my fps, if that doesn't work then try install Realistic Water Two or something like it. It also helped me.

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