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How do I change Floating Temporary Screen Text


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When doing lots of Alchemy at one time, for example, when one is "discovering" effects, the screen process "xyz learned from abc", or "potion of ZZZ created". This create kind of a long rolling text, which can be, is, annoying, especially where it is located, over menu bar. How does one change it so it's much shorter, and/or in a different area?


I can do some things with SSEEdit, and I'm vaguely familiar with creation kits, so if someone could point me in the direction...


Thank you.

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Sorry wouldn't have a clue where to start, however not sure if SkyHUD would give you some ideas (I know it doesn't touch this, but as it moves other parts of the UI, it might give you some ideas where to look if you are going to mod this yourself)

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