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Fallout MMO


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So the case has been settled between interplay and bethesda ~


will the MMO finally get worked on?


one thing i really like about fallout is the VATS option - makes it feel a bit more like an RPG in some sense. the fact that it's calculating percentages, allowing for area selection is really cool.




How would this get implemented in an MMO - has that ever been discussed?

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I used to read up on it a lot until I found out it will be like a classic mmo and will probably be 3rd person. That and PvP is optional. I will not be anything like a multilayer fallout 3 or fallout new vegas.


Anyways when I did read up on it a few months ago I heard nothing about VATS. I am going to assume it will just be a autoaim kind of thing.


EDIT: Apparently the settlement was that it got completely canceled because Beth bought full rights. No one has any idea how Beth will do it, but hopefully it will be a lot better then what interplay was planning.

Edited by marharth
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My guess is that VATS in a real-time MMO would involve no slow-downs but just calculate your percentages instead. Sort of just let you lock-on to moving targets, select your area to attack, and play the animations. Basically just like it is now, without stopping the game.
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yea i was wondering if there could be some form of time manipulation on the side of individual players - i don't know if you could actually make a hole in time in an mmo. if time slows down for one but not the other how would that work. one thing i though was maybe your toon goes into a 'bot' type of mode that plays out the game. no movement would really be allowed, and maybe this would be the downfall for using it, but the upside would be if you could whip through it pretty quick it might give you some kind of garunteed hit on an opponent??


i played fallen earth for a little while, and it was interesting enough until there became like one set of armor for each level. very bland - one nice thing i've been discovering with fallout is that there seems to always be something useful, and there is a large variety of items that simply add to the emersion.

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if it goes clicky mmo that might not be a bad thing - the older rgp's were pretty much like that anyways - just not 3d. if they took out VATS what good would the combat skills be worth? simply to be able to unlock the ability to use certain weapon systems>>??


fallen earth worked that way, but the combat mechanics were poor at best -

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I kind of don't want Fallout to fall into the MMO pit of despair as i find mmo's the least immersive experience you can have, and i love me some immersion. Grinding is the least fun a man can have.

I play fallout for the exciting and sometimes goofy world, it's dark humor and excessive gore, the well told stories and wonderful landscapes. I don't want that to be squandered by people bunny hopping/dancing in the background. I wouldn't mind it if i could be playing Fallout3/NV with 3 of my buddies in the same world, using voicechat, hell i'd pay good money for that.

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I kind of don't want Fallout to fall into the MMO pit of despair as i find mmo's the least immersive experience you can have, and i love me some immersion. Grinding is the least fun a man can have.

I play fallout for the exciting and sometimes goofy world, it's dark humor and excessive gore, the well told stories and wonderful landscapes. I don't want that to be squandered by people bunny hopping/dancing in the background. I wouldn't mind it if i could be playing Fallout3/NV with 3 of my buddies in the same world, using voicechat, hell i'd pay good money for that.

Just because its a MMO doesn't mean it has to have the WoW formula.


It can be done through other means, if it just as big as fallout NV and it has the same gameplay mechanics, all you really need to do is make a respawn system and some other minor things.


I don't see why it needs to be like WoW or other mmos. Just make it like fallout 3/NV but online. You just need a few syncing things.

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Here is the one thing that a FO MMO will have enormous difficultly dealing with: player/character death.


Think about if for a moment. Currently all FO games are single player and if your character gets ganked by a Deathclaw, trips up a bobby trapped grenade bundle or gutted by some cannibalistic raiders, well there is always the previous save file to return to.


In most fantasy MMO's death is dealt with via resurrection. I've not played any others like the StarWars or StarTrek MMO's so I can't comment on that but player/character death due to either PvP or ingame mechanics like monsters, hazards etc is going be dam hard to come back from.


This means that a FO MMO can only end up being something like CounterStrike in Post Apocalyptia. Get shot & die? Well respawn back at base with a new character/skin. This also means character development like levels and gaining perks become redundant in a sense as well.


I can see a few ways around this problem if the MMO is styled like an FPS. Firstly if a character dies then perhaps there is some place were there is some regenerative tech like a super auto doc which will bring the dead back but cost a fortune in caps. Another way is that there is no real death just incapacitation, ie; you get basically knocked into a coma from the injuries you've received and need medical aid to recover administered by someone else.


Personally I'd not play a FO MMO if its just a CounterStrike rip off or WoW style game then I'm not interested.

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