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Remove the chain at the back door entrance of Corvega Plant


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Remove the chain to the back door, or at least stop it from respawning once you have removed it. Clearing Corvega the hard way time and time again is driving me crazy. Replacing the chain with a locked door opened by a key acquired from the boss chest would be optimum.


I would be willing to do it myself, but cannot find what to do in the CK.

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This is simple,


just open the FO4.esm with the Ckit find the chain in the cell and set it to no respawn by opening the form and checking one box. do the same for the small primitive box at the bottom of the door (That is a navcut to stop NPC's from trying to path through the locked door.)


Then if you want create a new key and hide it in the plant somewhere then open the form for the door itself and go to the lock tab set it to "Requires Key" , find your key in the list.


save your new plugin.


Done and Done.


Hope that helps.

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Here you go Mkr1977. It took me a while to find the right place as I thought the door was in the interior section of Corvega. turns out it was outside.
I only removed the ability for the chain to respawn. You'll still have to clear Corvega at least once and remove the chain.

Edited by Slayorwrath
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If it's the chained door I'm thinking of it is in the world space, you go out into a little hall that has the door. When you remove the chain and open the door your looking out onto the roof of the plant. There is a ramp down to street level and raider come out of a truck trailer or camper (Can't remember exactly).

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