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Wagon bug with and without mods


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For whatever reason I keep getting the wagon bug even when I disable mods. I've tried a fresh installation of Skyrim, removing all leftover configuration files and mods, and it has not helped a single bit. I've also tried the Live Another Life mod and choosing vanilla start and still - wagon bug. I am using a legitimate copy of the latest version of Skyrim and it's DLC downloaded from Steam. I am not using special edition.


I've given up and have no idea how to fix this.


i7-6700k OC'd to 4.5GHz

GTX 970


Windows 10

Edited by v3ga5
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that is a new game, it's directly AFTER the wagon ride and BEFORE you make the character, when mod authors say "new game" they don't mean it literally lol, just before any quests are triggered or done


try it, if it doesn't work you've wasted all of what? 15 seconds?

Edited by gromulos
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Guest deleted5528329

the reason the carriages are going haywire is caused by bad load order u have one to several mods in the wrong place in the order. Loot does not always get load order right so u may want to tweak the order until u see carriages working right.

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You're going over 60 FPS, that's what causes this bug. Limit it in the Nvidia Control Panel.


I believe even the steam overlay options have a setting to limit the FPS also

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  • 2 years later...

I know the post is old 2 years but I had the same problem.

Don't need to disable mods or change the vertical sync. Only need to limit your refresh rate monitor to 60hz. This worked with me.

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