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Image Share Thumbnails Not Appearing


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I will try it just as soon as I figure out how, lol.


Ooooops sorry!

Open a command prompt (Start - Run - write "cmd") and then inside the command prompt window write "ping static.nexusmods.com", press enter and check if you have ping replies (usually 3 or 4 rows...) then repeat with "ping static.skyrimnexus.com".

Feel free to copy/paste here the results, it will help anyway!

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This is what comes up at the moment with the Skyrim view images thumbnails working ping static.skrimnexus.com The other command result is identical with the exception of the last line, also sorry for the image, I do not see a way to copy from DOS. With the thumnails working at the moment I suppose that wont be very helpful, I will repeat these again if and when I see the thumbnails down and will catch a screen of them down now that I know how if that helps as well.
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Here is the ping static.nexusmods.com results, this one was the one that I was describing with just the last line different, I'm guessing thats not right. After hitting enter this time I get this, hope it helps. Also the thumbs are down again let me catch a screen and try the commands again.
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At the moment the view images page is looking like this, that is the first time that I have noticed the older thumbs working and the newer ones not, it might have been that way all along Im not certain. The command result looks like it did before for ping static.nexusmods.com and like this for ping static.skyrimnexus.com like it did the first time. Im not sure how I got the other result but I know the difference is usually when I paste ping static.skyrimnexus.com after the command prompt it automatically spits out the first result, the one time that I pasted it and it did nothing I hit enter and it did the second result here which I cant seem to repeat without it spitting out the first result automatically. Edited by Jupitus
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CTRL+F5 reloads it but it still looks the same, do you suppose setting the DNS servers in the network settings to use Googles like you mentioned a little over a week ago in the comments section would help with this?
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All this I have posted so far is IE9 and Windows7, I tried Google Chrome and got error message "Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address." the first time and the same missing thumbnails issue each time after, I tried CTRL+F5 with it as well. Edited by Jupitus
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