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Unique Classes and Playstyles


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Anyone come up with some interesting or unique playstyles? I've made a few, and I was wondering what your thoughts on them were? Feel free to share some cool ones of your own. Btw, first post on forum! :biggrin:


Sorceserker: Orc - Two-Handed(Heavy), Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Smithing


Rogue: Khajiit - Archery, Sneak, Illusion, Lockpicking/Pickpocket


Spellsword: Altmer - One-Handed(Dual-Wield/Block), Alteration, Destruction, Enchanting

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I don't think those are unique or interesting IMO.


1. sorseker - well maybe this one's a bit unique. normally warriors wont have summons, but its basically just a plain old sorcerer IMO if you're using bound weapons


2. rogue - this is very common. i played without thinking of my build and this is what resulted based on my play style. assassin type characters are very similar too.


3. spellswords - two of my friends ended up with this without really thinking, but they weren't altmer. plus consider the fact that some thalmor you encounter the roads have this build.



I do have a no destruction spell pure mage conjurer at the moment, but I don''t think I'm the only one doing it.

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I don't think those are unique or interesting IMO.


1. sorseker - well maybe this one's a bit unique. normally warriors wont have summons, but its basically just a plain old sorcerer IMO if you're using bound weapons


2. rogue - this is very common. i played without thinking of my build and this is what resulted based on my play style. assassin type characters are very similar too.


3. spellswords - two of my friends ended up with this without really thinking, but they weren't altmer. plus consider the fact that some thalmor you encounter the roads have this build.



I do have a no destruction spell pure mage conjurer at the moment, but I don''t think I'm the only one doing it.


Yeah, I was kind thinking many of those thoughts, too. Sorry, OP, but chanchan05 said it. I really wasn't going to.


I was going to say that it's pretty hard probably to get a unique character build because I'm sure lots of people kind of sometimes aren't sure what character to build and it just happens. Well, I tend to do that. My current character is having a mid-game crisis about it. She's been a rogue with bow, one-handed, sneak, and now suddenly wants to study magic. The only magic she's really been doing is conjuring a flame atronach now and then, mostly as a decoy before running. As long she avoids the destruction path, she'll probably be improved though.

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Not sure how unique this is but:


One-Handed: First perk only 5/5


Archery: 5/5 in the first perk then left path to Bullseye with 1/2 in the slow time perk


Light Armor: 1/5 in the first perk then up Unhindered


Smithing: Right route to dragon armor


Enchanting: everything except the two recharging perks


Alchemy: 5/5 in the first perk and up to benefactor


Illusion: four points to get silent casting


Conjuration: five points on the atromancy path to twin souls


Blocking: Quick Reflexes then left path to shield charge


Sneaking: 5/5 in the first perk then up to the 15x dagger damage


Restoration: Regeneration and 1/2 in recovery


Alteration: Atronach and 3/3 in magic resistance (with all of those points on those magicka cost reduction even though I rarely ever use alteration spells)


Pickpocket: Three points to get extra pockets


I just a bit from everything I saw useful so I guess it could be a sort of jack of many trades?

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