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Unique Classes and Playstyles


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Not new or anything but fun to play if you want to try no magic and not be a plated fighter:


Ranger of the North




Light Armor




thx for the heads up lord inquisitor

forgot to mention i used smithing to upgrade me kilt and weapons.

for the hanky on my head, it was a no go.

i die a lot, mind, but i learn.

that's one way to play skyrim ;)

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Not new or anything but fun to play if you want to try no magic and not be a plated fighter:


Ranger of the North




Light Armor




I've never really tried both one-handed and two-handed. Am I missing out on a good reason to do both?

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Not new or anything but fun to play if you want to try no magic and not be a plated fighter:


Ranger of the North




Light Armor




I've never really tried both one-handed and two-handed. Am I missing out on a good reason to do both?


I don't see a reason to do both, since I feel its a waste of perk points, however the advantage of a two handed weapon is greater range and splash damage. Swinging a two handed sword will hit an enemy even if you are out of range of his weapon (unless he's also using two handed), and a power attack to either side will damage multiple foes. Using one handed weapons makes you more methodical a fighter.

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What we need is the old way to create classes and crap, not this jack of all trades thing Skyrim has, i miss the old way :/


Ah, but I'm liking this. It's better for how I imagine things. Why shouldn't a character be able to pick up a bow just because they use magic? Skyrim allows it but with a nice leveling aspect, so that using a bow won't do much until after you practice with it.


You still only get good at the things you practice a lot with.



Why I prefer a hybrid of what we had in Oblivion with what we have in Skyrim. The perks system is great(even if some of the individual perks are lackluster) but Skyrim as is seems to be without the flavor of what the class system or attributes added. (Oblivion or Morrowind you could still pick up a bow later if you wanted, it just was not a primary skill that leveled you up, and would not be an issue in Skyrim) Think about a great steak without any condiments/seasoning. Sure, you still have a great steak, but the nuance that comes from various marinades and spices are absent.

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