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Best cheap graphics card for modding


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My birthday is coming up in June and I have started thinking about getting a new graphics card as right now my not build for gaming pc can't run skyrim how I want it so I decided to upgrade my graphics card, I'm not sure what is the best option (my price range is 100-150 dollars) so advice will be appriceated

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We can give you the best answer if you post your rig's stats. (Mobo, CPU, PSU, RAM, what GPU you currently have.)


Having said that, right off the bat the Nvidia GTX 1050ti is right in the middle of your price range. The clock speeds are iffy and the bandwith is a tad narrow (comparatively speaking) , but 4GB of VRAM will give you a good amount of memory for your graphics needs.


Some folks will tell you that a 1060 is much better, and they're right! However, only the 3GB models are available anywhere below $200. And I recommend NOT going below 4GB of VRAM.

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ok here are my specs


processor-Intel Xeon CPU 2.8 GHz


graphics card-Nvidia Quadro FX 1800

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So I've been shopping and I found this https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-GAMING-Support-04G-P4-6253-KR/dp/B01MF7EQJZ/ref=pd_lpo_147_bs_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=75NWVPGZC8G2T61NAFGG, Will this be a good upgrade? I'm new to computer upgrading and stuff so I will probably be a bit slow

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If you are new to upgrading computer parts stuff, you better off just buying new powerful PC. Less frustration.


If you still consider upgrading, be sure that your motherboard/CPU case/ PSU can handle that GPU.

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ok here are my specs


processor-Intel Xeon CPU 2.8 GHz


graphics card-Nvidia Quadro FX 1800


Woof, that's an old CPU. You didn't specify which model it is, but since your current GPU is an old workstation card, I'm guessing it's at least six or seven years old. And that means that your mobo may not be able to handle current GPUs. In short, your computer is likely too old to upgrade with a current graphics card. Maybe an old GTX 480 would work on it (if your MOBO has the proper PCI-e bus available) but an old card like that would cost more on the second-hand market than a current gen card would.


Tell you what. Please provide your motherboard and PSU model info. I'll check and see if an upgrade is possible with an older second-hand card in your price range.

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