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Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained

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When you get precombined geometries with no collisions, you can sometimes fix that by regenerating precombines a second or third time. otherwise you may need to duplicate the references that are loosing their collisions, disable the original ref, and regen precombines again. these are the only two methods I have found that can fix that bug.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there, I'm a bit confused about something from the video. It says that texture mods are completely fine but earlier showed pictures from the mod "Remove Ugly Flat Trash" as something that's not compatible. This is confusing because according to the description for that mod, all it does is edit the texture file to be invisible.


Also, I'm guessing since your mod touches on some interiors - mods like "Enhanced Lights and FX" and "Interiors enhanced" are a no-go?


Anyway, I'm sorry if this was already asked and answered somewhere or I happened to misunderstand something that was already explained. :sweat:

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  • 1 month later...
Would appreciate any insight on my current problem. I have no problems generating the precombined using either Trosski or RRTV's vids (thank you both).

Previs on the other hand simply won't do anything, it skims through the various cells at breakneck speed altering nothing whatsoever and not generating anything at all.

I get various things come up in error but its all vanilla stuff that errors, for example a tree stump and apparently it can't load the sky or the ground

(I haven't got any other mod loaded at all and it's the vanilla generated ini files with only the necessary ini edits to use a mod).

I'm a bit baffled to be honest. I have tried messing with various things in each cell to see if anything specific is causing this but even if I make a simple mod that puts down one cardboard box I can't generate previs (whether precombined or normal).

I am using CK version 1.5.154 and wondering if that is the problem?

I'm hoping its some damn silly setting I have missed but somehow I don't think its going to be that simple :(

Anyone come across this before? I can certainly just disable the pre vis in the relevant cells and I think having regenerated precombines will still help somewhat with fps (plus the mod is only for me anyway) but I would really like to get to the bottom of what's going on. :)

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I've occasionally had issues with it not properly generating it (mainly applying previs to things I don't want it applied to), but not completely failing. It usually takes longer than precombined generation, in my experience.


That said, I have only generated precombineds/previs on individual cells, haven't tried to regenerate precombineds/previs for the entire worldspace yet. If you try to generate it for just one cell, does it work?


Also, one note: if you have a mod that just adds records to the worldspace, or at least doesn't touch any REFR records that are part of a precombined mesh (i.e. show as [Placed Object] rather than just Placed Object in FO4Edit), you don't need to generate new precombineds/previs, as the old ones aren't broken. You can, and if the mod adds thousands of records it might be worth it, but it will only break if you touch previously precombined meshes.


A quick way to test in-game if they are broken in a given cell is to type tpc into the console twice. If it just says "Pre-culling now enabled" the second time, it's fine. If it says something about "but disabled for this area", previs is disabled in that cell. And unless you used the bUsePreculledObjects=0 ini edit precombineds will be disabled for that cell as well.

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It says its doing it but the progress bar just shows 0 and moves onto the next one (if I am doing vis for all loaded cells) and that shows as 0 as well until they have all finished (matter of less than a second) and obviously nothing has generated. It doesn't generate anything for vis whether in one cell or in all loaded cells and my own mod I am working on deffo broke a few precombines but I had no trouble making new ones

Ah well it will doubtless become clear in time rofl - thanks for answering Vlits

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I would try reinstalling the CK, there is definitely something wrong with the install.


Of note, if you have the precombineds already rebuilt, you just need to Generate Precombined Visibility, not the regular "Generate Visibility".

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I realize I am a console chick and have not been here for a while. I know what’s up when it comes to how FO4 works, and can definitely spot a broken PC in my game. I am very observant and smart, although I frequently make an ass of myself. I also realize that FO69 is running on a “modified” version of the same engine so therefore has its inherent faults, much to some players shagrins. Players keep bitching about the stash limits, I keep reminding them that resource management has always caused instability issues in single player Beth games, but now you have 24 times the load, hence the cap. It falls on deaf ears.

A lot of retorts I keep hearing is, “Modders will fix it as they always do” and this is where my question to you Nexus gurus comes in. Just how the hell are unpaid modders supposed to fix an online only game?

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Yakalrad, I fail to understand why you have posted this in this thread. This thread is very specific, go start one specific to your question if you wanna have that discussion.


To answer your question bluntly, you'll be waiting a some time for definitive answers. 76 is a fine example of how half assed Bethesda really is, and they should hang their head in shame how broken that game is.

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Yakalrad, I fail to understand why you have posted this in this thread. This thread is very specific, go start one specific to your question if you wanna have that discussion.


To answer your question bluntly, you'll be waiting a some time for definitive answers. 76 is a fine example of how half assed Bethesda really is, and they should hang their head in shame how broken that game is.

You are right, I should not have posted this in this thread. I was a little drunk last night and apparently not very aware of what I was doing. I am sorry. To be clear, I do NOT own FO76 and am not planning to buy it, but does it not use the same optimization system as FO4? I have been told it DOES use the same precombined optimization system and is why mods (if and when they ever happen, especially on console) that break precombineds will most likely not be allowed in a multiplayer setting. Again, my apologies for posting last night. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When you get precombined geometries with no collisions, you can sometimes fix that by regenerating precombines a second or third time. otherwise you may need to duplicate the references that are loosing their collisions, disable the original ref, and regen precombines again. these are the only two methods I have found that can fix that bug.


I had that happen when I was rebuilding Vault 88 again, and it seems to be a result of making some change or another in the CK between loading the plugin and generating precombineds. If you save and exit, relaunch the CK, and build precombineds first thing, it should never happen.


Also, I found the exact reason touching a precombined REFR in xEdit can break precombineds/previs. The auto-disable system compares the Version Control Info 1 field (a record timestamp) of the REFR records listed in the XCRI sub-record of the CELL to the PCMB timestamp. If the REFR has a later timestamp, or has no timestamp (all 0s in old xEdit, or None in xEdit 4.0), it disables previs/precombineds for that cell. So if you are building precombiends with one plugin and trying to merge it into another, you'll have issues, since xEdit zeros that field out when you copy (as override, or as new record) into another plugin. This is apparently related to some issues people were having in Oblivion days when it did copy that field.

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