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What is wrong with this script


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I created a mod which contains this script on one of the activators.While it works as long as i dont try to use the menus more than once. Im curious on how to fix that issue so that i can loop the two menus if i wanted and my buttons still work as intended. What have i done wrong with this script heres the source script



Message Property XN0XMenu1 auto
Message Property XN0XStats1 auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference AkActionRef)
Int Button = XN0XMenu1.Show()
If Button == 0 ;Stats Messagebox
Int Buttons = XN0XStats1.Show()
if Buttons == 0 ;Add CarryWeight
Elseif Buttons == 1 ;Add health
Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("Health", 100)
Elseif Buttons == 2 ;Go Back
Button = XN0XMenu1.Show()
Elseif Buttons == 3 ; Close Menu
Elseif Button == 1

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You have posted your issue in wrong area, CK would be a better choice. What did you posted is a part of the source.

Maybe the next source script is helpful. Nevertheless I dislike cheating.




Scriptname XNSelectorScript extends ObjectReference
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5529737-what-is-wrong-with-this-script/
; troubleshooting

; "it works as long as i do not try to use the menus more than once."

  Message PROPERTY msg_menu   auto   ; XN0XMenu1
  Message PROPERTY msg_stats1 auto   ; XN0XStats1

; -- EVENTs -- 1 + "Busy"

EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
IF (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    not the player, do nothing
    gotoState("Busy")            ; ### STATE ###

;   Make your choice!
;   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; 0=[Stats1]  1=[Cancel]                     ; we assume two buttons in main menu

int i = 0                                    ; i = Button
    WHILE (i < 1) && self.GetBaseObject()    ; almost right is "cancel" button /and/ make sure you can leave this loop all time
        i = msg_Menu.Show()
        IF (i == 0)                          ; almost left button used
            i = myF_CheatMenu(akActionRef as Actor)

    gotoState("")                ; ### STATE ###    go back to no state

state Busy    ; I am busy while using menu!
EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

; -- FUNCTION --

Int FUNCTION myF_CheatMenu(Actor aRef)
; http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=ModActorValue_-_Actor

    int i = msg_Stats1.Show()

IF (i == 0)
    aRef.ModActorValue("Carryweight", 250)       ; add CarryWeight by 250
    RETURN 0

IF (i == 1)
    aRef.ModActorValue("Health", 100)            ; add Health by 100
    RETURN 0

IF (i == 2)
    RETURN 0  ; - STOP - do nothing, but go back to main

;IF (i == 3)
    RETURN 1  ; - STOP - close all



Edited by ReDragon2013
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You have posted your issue in wrong area, CK would be a better choice. What did you posted is a part of the source.

Maybe the next source script is helpful. Nevertheless I dislike cheating.




Scriptname XNSelectorScript extends ObjectReference
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5529737-what-is-wrong-with-this-script/
; troubleshooting

; "it works as long as i do not try to use the menus more than once."

  Message PROPERTY msg_menu   auto   ; XN0XMenu1
  Message PROPERTY msg_stats1 auto   ; XN0XStats1

; -- EVENTs -- 1 + "Busy"

EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
IF (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    not the player, do nothing
    gotoState("Busy")            ; ### STATE ###

;   Make your choice!
;   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; 0=[Stats1]  1=[Cancel]                     ; we assume two buttons in main menu

int i = 0                                    ; i = Button
    WHILE (i < 1) && self.GetBaseObject()    ; almost right is "cancel" button /and/ make sure you can leave this loop all time
        i = msg_Menu.Show()
        IF (i == 0)                          ; almost left button used
            i = myF_CheatMenu(akActionRef as Actor)

    gotoState("")                ; ### STATE ###    go back to no state

state Busy    ; I am busy while using menu!
EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

; -- FUNCTION --

Int FUNCTION myF_CheatMenu(Actor aRef)
; http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=ModActorValue_-_Actor

    int i = msg_Stats1.Show()

IF (i == 0)
    aRef.ModActorValue("Carryweight", 250)       ; add CarryWeight by 250
    RETURN 0

IF (i == 1)
    aRef.ModActorValue("Health", 100)            ; add Health by 100
    RETURN 0

IF (i == 2)
    RETURN 0  ; - STOP - do nothing, but go back to main

;IF (i == 3)
    RETURN 1  ; - STOP - close all



To explain my intentions is not so much Cheating but to get familiar with Menu with submenu scripts so that i can finish my mod for a teleporter. So im guessing that the issue im having with my current script is that I didnt create a state or do i need a while command with a bool?

Edited by Gamer921
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I provided you a nice working menu script, written along the content as you posted.


You ask me: "do i need a while command with a bool?"


Without a while loop you cannot come back from "stats menu" to the "main menu", very simple!

"with a bool" no idea what did you mean, I only use variables of type Int within the script.

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Here's how I generally handle menus and sub-menus. I like to create a function specific to showing each menu and its options. I find it easier to handle them one at a time and it also means I don't need to track some boolean state and can simply return when the menu should close.

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference AkActionRef)

Function ShowMainMenu()
	while (true)
		int choice = XN0XMenu1.Show()
		if choice == 0 ;Stats Messagebox
		; elseif choice == 1  ; other options can go here
		;   take action or show other menu here
		else ; quit option

Function ShowSubMenu()
	while (true)  ; simply remove the while loop part if you want a menu that does not repeat itself
		int choice = XN0XStats1.Show()
		if choice == 0 ; Add CarryWeight
			Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("CarryWeight", 1000)
		elseif choice == 1 ; Add health
			Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("Health", 100)
		else  ; Go Back

That doesn't have an option to leave the entire menu scheme from the sub-menu so you would need to choose "Go Back" from the stats menu the "Quit" from the main menu.

If you want the "Close Menu" option to work from the stats menu you need something like this where the sub-menu can return a status to let the main menu know where it should quit too.

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference AkActionRef)

Function ShowMainMenu()
	while (true)
		int choice = XN0XMenu1.Show()
		if choice == 0 ; Stats Messagebox
			if ShowSubMenu()
		else ; quit option

bool Function ShowSubMenu()
	while (true)
		int choice = XN0XStats1.Show()
		if choice == 0 ; Add CarryWeight
			Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("CarryWeight", 1000)
		elseif choice == 1 ; Add health
			Game.GetPlayer().ModActorValue("Health", 100)
		elseif choice == 2  ; Go Back
			return false ; false means the outer menu should show itself again
		else  ;if choice == 3 ; Close Menu
			return true
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Have a look at Darkfox127 SCRIPTMENU video part of his scripting series. Great tutorials. I've adapted a number of his scripts for use in a few mods I've created for myself. I've got a menu script for a teleport trigger, walk into the trigger area an menu pops up offering you different locations to port too.


Go have a look at Darkfox127 scripting series it will save you a lot of headaches. You have to enjoy watching endless YouTube adds but the wait is worth it.

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Thanks all for your help i figured out a different way to do this. Turns out i dont need the gotostate stuff or the while code. I just got done with the teleportation script and managed to put together a mark and recall sytem fused in with it. Thanks again.
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